November 19, 2020
5 ways to Overcome Low Self-Esteem!

Often times we just can’t help it, we underestimate and undervalue ourselves. When you have been through experiences in your life that cause you to question your worth it is difficult to sustain a high self- esteem. In order to combat those feelings the first thing you want to do is work on your self-acceptance. We all have different unique qualities about ourselves that need to be explored. The truth is that you are skilled in areas that others are not but if you don’t attempt to discover those abilities you will never find them. Don’t ever sell yourself short!
1. Make a list of things that you love about yourself: It’s so easy to point out the negative and disregard the positive. What are the things that you love about yourself that sets you apart from everyone else?
Make a list of those things and put them somewhere in plain sight as a constant reminder of your undeniable potential. We tend to allow our confidence to remain motionless instead of pushing it to a level that we know it can be. The Lord made every single person with character and individuality in mind don’t be afraid to let yours shine through.
2. Avoid spending time with people that exude negativity: It is so true that you are what you surround yourself with. So if all of your friends, relationships, and people that you keep close to you are all negative; it is inevitable that some of it will trickle off on you.
Emotions that are not positive can be draining and will affect your self-esteem in the long run. If you have to be around people that don’t have the best energy and are unhappy in general, try to limit your contact with them.
Remember, it is ok to love people from afar because that is where the negativity should remain, at a distance.
3. Evaluate your atmosphere, what are you surround by: Take a moment to analyze your environment; is the space around you harming your health, frame of mind, or wellbeing? If so, you may want to reevaluate your situation because it is very difficult to feel content and at peace if you’re encompassed by complete toxicity.
Where you spend most of your time is the place that is going to have the biggest effect on you. You want to make sure that it is fit for you to be productive, assured, and joyous. Begin by taking small steps to create a more serene area, like lighting a lavender or chamomile candle, and eventually you will begin to see how even the tiniest changes will shift your entire atmosphere.
4. Completely accept yourself: Everyone has things about themselves that they would like to change. It is such a powerful thing when you can completely appreciate yourself, wholeheartedly. What that does is prevents outside opinions and comments from having an impact on you.
People will always have something to say and the more you understand how to deal with those circumstances the easier it will be to handle them. The key factor is confidence! You have to be so confident within yourself that nothing fazes you which will then block the negativity from manifesting.
5. Focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses: What areas do you excel in, the ones that other people come to you for direction? Finding your strengths and developing them will give you an extreme boost of self-confidence.
Everybody is good at something, use the gifts that the Lord gave you and let yourself prevail. Take time out of each day to devote specifically to your talents whether it’s writing, singing, teaching, or even just being an excellent mother or father.
There is nothing better than perfecting your crafts and being able to share them with others that mean the most to you!