March 2, 2021
5 Words That Will Help Keep You Positive!

Positivity is a mindset that you want to understand and develop because it will help you get through those difficult times when you are faced with trials and tribulations. It can be a challenging thing to remain optimistic especially if you are confronted with struggle after struggle with no breaks in between. I have listed 5 words of encouragement that can help with establishing a positive thought process through the storms that we tackle every single day.
1. Still: With everything going on in the world right now it is so easy to get sidetracked from your Purpose. Corona virus is running rampant, jobs are being lost, and it is getting more and more difficult to make ends meet. You can literally become completely engulfed by the cares of life. Don’t allow yourself to be so overwhelmed that you forget about you. Take a step back and just be still. When you are functioning at 100 miles per hour you will eventually wear yourself out. Slow down your pace before you get to that point where you are burnt out mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Here are some things that you can do that will help you be still:
· Get into a quiet place and meditate on God’s Word-As I have said before there is nothing more calming and soothing than scripture.
· Take a long bubble bath-Get everything you need to get done early so that you have some free time to pour yourself a nice warm bath and soak in it for as long as you need to.
· Take a walk-Going for a walk will help you clear your mind and silence some of the submerging thoughts that you may be experiencing.
· Journal-Believe it or not writing is extremely therapeutic and can help quiet down some of those overpowering emotions.
By allowing those moments of tranquility you are able to recharge your battery and keep pressing on. It might be difficult for some people to just take that time to be still, but it definitely is a necessity!
2. Motivation: It can be easy to get into a slumber state where you don’t want to get out of bed, you aren’t getting yourself dressed, and you stay in the house day and night. The next day comes around and you find that you are doing the exact same thing as if you had your days on repeat. This is not a healthy lifestyle and is definitely a breeding ground for negative emotions like depression, anxiety, fear, and despair. The thing is if you don’t motive yourself then who will? All it takes is you making the decision to take that first step. Don’t remain comatose and let your life just pass you by. Get motivated by recognizing your creative and innovative side. There is so much that you could be accomplishing if you just gave yourself the tiniest bit of encouragement. Now is the time for you to tap into all of those skills and abilities that you have kept stored away and develop them.
For example:
· If you love to write, invest in some writing programs that will help you master that skill.
· If you love to dance, enroll yourself into dance classes and dominate that ability.
· If you love to sing, devote time and effort into singing lessons and maximize that gift.
The sky is truly the limit and you could be the author of your own book, a dance teacher owning your own dance studio, or the next big vocal artist. The fact is you will never know your full potential if you stay stagnant with no motivation to achieve the goals that you know you can. Stop making excuses and just get going!
3. Fierce: With all of the trials and tribulations that each one of us have had to experience you have no choice but to maintain a fierce frame of mind. Get yourself up every morning with intentionality and decide that no matter what happens today, you will face it boldly! It is easy to become submissive when life isn’t going your way; your business isn’t flourishing like you thought it would, or the promotion that you know you deserved was given to someone else and you feel completely discouraged. Don’t ever give up; be resilient, determined, and courageous making the choice to face adversity with tenacity knowing your blessing is just around the corner.
Another aspect of being fierce is having the ability to genuinely admire others. If you are completely comfortable with the person that you are, you have no reason to hate. Lift up others around you authentically and don’t be afraid to give a compliment when one is deserved. We are all reaching for the same goals in life so make sure to support one another. Be the type of person that the younger generation can look up to and seek advice from because they see that you have that certain something about you. It will come naturally because you walk with your head held high knowing your value and self-worth and there is not one person who can weaken your strength. Choose to be strong, bold, and fearless with no regrets!
4. Quality: There are a lot of instances in our lives where we have elected to settle. Whether it is in our relationships or in our friendships there is no reason that we should accept anything but quality. It really all boils down to what you allow. If you are in a relationship and you tolerate him or her treating you less than what you know you deserve, you can’t blame anyone but yourself. You have to set the standard on how you want to be respected and cared for making sure to put your foot down if your partner decides to treat you otherwise. By presenting yourself with a high level of self-respect and dignity you are setting the bar for others. Why shouldn’t you be treated like the king or queen that you are? Never lower your requirements based solely on what someone looks like. If he or she is fine, dresses nice, smells good but treats you like dirt it isn’t worth the heartache that you will endure due to you choosing outer appearances over depth and quality.
In terms of friendships you have to be cautious who you allow in your circle. Not everyone that calls you a friend is actually for you. Unfortunately there are many people that befriend you so they can see what they can gain from you, hide behind the scenes waiting for you to fail so they can slide right in, or even get personal information so they can talk about you behind your back. Make it a point to keep the same mindset that you would when choosing a life partner. Just as easily as you can get burned from your significant other, the same thing can happen with the person that you call “your friend.” All you really have to do is know your standards and be unwilling to change them for anyone. Look for red flags that will let you know that you have to pay extra attention to their behaviors like; someone that gossips about others, disrespectfulness, or they are never happy for you when you receive a blessing. Keep your circle small and sweet making the conscious decision to pick quality over quantity.
5. Gratitude: Saying “thank you” most definitely goes a long way. We have all had those instances where we have held the door open for the stranger behind us only to get greeted with a stare rather than a small thank you. It makes you second guess being that kind person in the first place. Gratitude really does make a huge difference but it shouldn’t stop at being appreciative for just the big things like closing a house or buying a new car, but you should also be grateful for even the smallest blessings in your life. The fact that you woke up in the morning deserves a thank you, the food on your table, and even down to the air that you breathe warrants thankfulness. So many people are losing their lives every day due to this horrible pandemic and the reality is it could have easily been you.
Take random moments out of your day to thank the Lord for the minor and major blessings that He has bestowed upon you. I cannot stress enough how important gratitude actually is! You also want to make sure that you are appreciative towards your family and friends. Don’t just take for granted that your spouse usually pays for the bills or cooks every meal; let them know that you are grateful for them. Thank them for running the errands, taking care of the kids, or washing the dishes. This goes for the man or the woman in the home. There has to be a certain level of respect and gratefulness for your partner showing them that you recognize what they contribute to the family running so smoothly. After all, it takes a team effort for a household to work cohesively.
When it comes to friendships your friends should know that you are thankful to have them in your life. Pick up the phone or send them a message just to check on them to see how they are doing. Be vocal about how you value them being that listening ear, giving you the straight truth when you need it, or even being that shoulder to cry on. Gratitude will always be a top priority in relationships and friendships and the more you grasp this word, understand it, and utilize it the more your family and friends will feel that connection and real love coming from you.