January 8, 2021
6 Tips on How to build your confidence in 2021!

Your confidence level is everything! It is what will carry you through those moments when others will try to lower your self-esteem, treat you like you don’t qualify, and make it seem like you are not valuable. It is difficult to build especially if there are people in your life that make it their mission to see you fail. Don’t get discouraged because it can be done but you will have to be intentional on implementing the few tips given below and sticking with them. You want be completely sure of yourself in any circumstance because when you are nothing is going to be able to bring you down!
1. Never allow anyone or anything to dim your shine: When you are self-assured, there is always going to be someone that has something to say or somebody secretly hating on you. The reason for this is because they are jealous of that glow. Under no circumstances do you ever want to allow your shine to be faded by any outside influences.
People get excited when you stumble or fail especially if you excel at almost everything that you do because it seemingly puts a dent in your level of poise. Not so, confidence says: “I will hold my head up high regardless of the situation, even when I fall!” All you have to do is get yourself right back up and start over again never allowing yourself to quit. A secure person knows that they will prevail even when all of the odds are stacked up against them!
2. Step into the room with authority: When you are confident (and I don’t mean arrogant), but bold and fearless you don’t have to say a word when you step into a room because your presence will say it all. Walk with authority knowing your worth because the fact of the matter is, you will be treated at the standard that you hold yourself to.
Make sure that you are making a good first impression by smiling, looking good, and smelling good. People are very quick to judge you so you want to make sure that what they remember about you is all positive. Leave them no room to have an unfavorable opinion but ensure that they are left with an influential lasting first reaction.
3. Know exactly who you are: When you know who you are inside and out, it is such an authoritative thing! You exude confidence! You don’t have the urge to look to other people for approval before you make any significant steps in your life because you are certain about your decision making. You know what you like, who you like, what is going to waste your time, and you don’t involve yourself in drama.
One of the most important things about knowing who you are is knowing what you don’t want to become. That way when you begin to show uncomplimentary characteristics that you are certain have nothing to do with your personality, you can shift behaviors. Being self-reliant will help you recognize when you are becoming someone that you are not so that you can make necessary adjustments with a quickness.
4. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else: This tip goes hand in hand with tip #3. It can be discouraging when you are in a room full of very attractive, intelligent, and intimidating people. When you realize who you are (tip#3) situations like that will not threaten you but motivate you because you recognize that you are on their level.
You want to establish what you can bring to any circumstance which comes along with knowing your value. Nobody is going to master the same things so you want your goal to be being the best at whatever it is that you are good at. This will skyrocket your level of and prevent outside factors to cause you to become doubtful. You will know that you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone else because you are a masterpiece just the way you are!
5. Hold yourself to a high standard: You set the precedence right off the bat of how others are going to perceive you. Make it a point to hold yourself to a high standard meaning that you control how others talk to you, treat you, and view you so you want to make sure that you are demonstrating the fact that you are someone with plenty of value. What that means is not allowing other people to talk down to you.
For instance:
· Why are you at this job if you clearly don’t qualify for the position?
· You’re ugly
· You’re fat
· You’re an idiot (etc..)
You have to make sure that you stand up for yourself in all situations reiterating the fact that you are strong, confident, and valuable and don’t deserve to be talked to that way!
Another thing that you want to make sure doesn’t happen is being treated inadequately. People are visual people so they tend to focus on what others look like on the outside but you never want that to be the sole basis of how they treat you. They shouldn’t make inappropriate comments whether they are sexual, negative, or just flat out malicious. The moment that begins to happen you need to immediately put an end to it right away. If you allow it to continue, it will and there is absolutely no justification for someone to treat you like you are less than.
6. Be a King or Queen: So what exactly is a King or Queen? It is someone that is sophisticated, independent, and treats others around them with respect and dignity but also demanding the same in return. Someone that is polished, refined, and exquisite and it isn’t forced because they are very secure and it comes naturally. So, how do you get yourself to feel like the King or Queen that you are?
You have to and I mean absolutely have to eliminate anything attached to the word disrespectful. It is a must that you hold yourself with class, elegance, and grace because what that will do is signify how anyone else is going to behave towards you. Be delicate and tasteful in everything that you do including how you dress, how you respond to negativity, and even your work ethic. A Queen or a King exudes confidence and the more you strive to become as positive as you can the more you will see these amazing characteristics shining through! Don’t ever allow anyone to cause your crown to shift even the slightest bit!