November 19, 2020
7 ways to keep your day positive!

Everything you do the moment you open your eyes in the morning will set the tone for the rest of your day. Make a calculated decision to start your day off right! It is all about your mindset: what are you meditating on when you wake up, are you allowing any negativity to penetrate your spirit, and are you focused on setting new goals for yourself? These are some of the things to keep in mind when attempting to maintain a positive and healthy lifestyle. It starts with that first day which will lead to the first month and before you know it, the entire rest of the year. You have to know that you are worth it!
1. Keep God first: When you begin your morning by thanking the Lord for allowing you to see another day, it sets the tone for the rest of your day. Make it a habit to pray before you leave the house, it blocks out those negative thoughts that tend to try to creep in.
Also, make sure to meditate on His Word daily. What you feed your soul is what will have a direct impact on how you feel, the way you view things, and where you are mentally. It is extremely important!
2. Don’t allow any negative words to penetrate: We will face negativity it’s inevitable, but how you handle it will make all the difference. When negative words are launched in your direction, ask yourself “is that even worth a reaction?”
When you take a second to think about whether to respond or not, the answer is usually no. We spend too much energy on things that will always stay the same and if we made it a point to spend less time on things that we cannot change, our lives would be so much simpler.
Do not feed into the drama!
3. Make yourself a priority: When is the last time you put yourself first? Relationships, our kids, work; these things tend to take priority in our lives leaving no room for you! Never forget how important you are, value your needs and wants.
After all, if you are not completely happy within you are unable to make anyone else in your life happy. It all begins with you, take care of you!
Figure out what makes you smile; it could be a day at the spa, some one on one time with your spouse, or even just a moment alone taking a ride in your car. Whatever that one thing is fit it in your schedule any chance you get.
4. Set goals for yourself and achieve them: It is such an incredible feeling when you can set a goal for yourself and achieve it. Even if the goals are small, this gives you a sense of accomplishment and you want to continuously push yourself.
Write down your ambitions so that you can have them where you can see them as a constant reminder of where you want to be. When you are able to see your desired abilities because you intentionally set your mind to them, it is a powerful thing! It will also give you that extra boost of self-confidence that you may need to continue to strive forward.
5. Meditate on inspirational words: You will find the best inspiration and motivation to uplift you in the Word of God. Take time out of your day to find scripture that resonates with you and meditate on it, it will change your entire atmosphere.
Another great source to pull from when trying to find inspiration are daily devotionals, it takes just a moment to read the devotion of the day and it will give you that added bit of encouragement.
Keep account of what you are digesting mentally and spiritually because it will set the tone for the rest of the day. Trust and believe if you are consuming nothing but positivity, when the negativity wants to sneak in there will be no room available for it to manifest.
6. Shake the hatas’ off: Everyone is going to have someone in their lives that loves to hate on every move you make and everything you do, shake them completely off. The time that you would be spending on the negativity could very easily be rerouted to things that are actually productive like working on you!
Rise above the hate, it takes so much strength to keep your composure and not let the ugliness affect you but in the end you will come out on top. Shift your focus on being positive to the people around you regardless of how they are coming across, you will find that the hate will begin to subside. The thing is when you don’t entertain the shade being thrown your way, it will begin to disappear. The main goal of a hata is to get a reaction out of you, do not give them that satisfaction.
7. Keep your circle small and sweet: The fact of the matter is that not everyone that is around you is for you. There may be people with ulterior motives camouflaged in plain sight.
Evaluate your circle: do they have your best intentions at heart, can you count on them to give you advice even if it’s not what you want to hear, and do they truly have your back even when you are not around?
These are some of the key things to look out for when analyzing the people that you want to keep in your inner circle. Having the wrong company is a make or break situation.