June 30, 2021
How to stay focused from outside distractions!

When there are a million and one things going on in your life it can be challenging to remain focused. You are responsible for so many things that it becomes problematic to multitask especially when there are outside distractions. It can be overwhelming to say the least. The bottom line is you have to stay concentrated in the midst of chaos if you are going to be able to get everything completed in a timely manner. You also want to make an intentional effort to make time for yourself and your family. Having too much disarray can cause stress, anxiety, and pressure when it can easily be avoided. You have to know what boundaries to set and how to prevent diversions from distracting you from the objective at hand. Below I have listed some ways to help you stay on track when your day becomes entirely disorganized.
1. Get into your quiet space: When you have a lot going on in a day it can be hard to remain focused. It is extremely easy to find yourself distracted by the disarray around you which will cause you to lose concentration on the task at hand. The thing is it is almost impossible to have any time management in the middle of complete pandemonium. One of the ways that you can get your day back on track is by getting into a quiet space where there are no interruptions. Take a moment out to read the Word of God, meditate, pray, and just have a minute of alone time so that you can gather your thoughts. What that will do is allow you to reset, regroup, and the continue tackling what’s left of your responsibilities. The most important thing to keep in mind is to know when you need a break. Don’t wait until you are completely frustrated and irritated before you decide to take some time out to give yourself some breathing space.
2. Create a routine: One of the best ways to prevail when it comes to organization is by creating a routine. Write down everything that needs to get done for the entire week and then prioritize them from most important to least important. This will give you a guideline on all of the tasks that need to get taken care of so that you can look back and reference your list when you need to. Our brains get congested when there are too many things going on all at once and what can happen is you forget to do something important. Make sure that you don’t overcomplicate your list; you don’t have to go into unnecessary detail just keep it simple. Once you have your list down and you become familiar with it, make it a habit to keep that same schedule every single week making only small changes when you need to. This is how you will successfully create your routine. Trust me when I tell you, it makes everything so much easier and will keep you organized in the midst of even the most chaotic days.
3. Set realistic expectations: Setting realistic expectations when it comes to keeping yourself focused will prevent you from putting too much on your plate. You have to be honest and only agree to do things that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can accomplish in a sensible manner. This tip goes hand and hand with tip number two, creating a routine. Within the list that you create with all of the duties needed to be done, also provide yourself with an accurate timeline on when they should be completed. Believe it or now when you set a time frame on things that you are executing throughout your day, it will prevent outside interferences from distracting you. The reason this works is because you now have a deadline set and it helps you stay on track with the task at hand. Don’t get me wrong you are definitely going to have moments of disruption that are unavoidable like:
· Changing your baby’s diaper
· Helping your child with a homework question
· Intervening when two of your kids are arguing
· Answering an unexpected phone call
These are just some examples of little things that can disrupt your daily routine that you have to expect. The key to staying on track is making sure that once you have taken care of the small tasks in between your scheduled ones, you redirect your focus right back to the task at hand.
We are all going to experience days that become so overwhelming that it can cause stress and anxiety. The good news is there are ways that you can cope with the chaos when it presents itself. These three tips will really help you with staying focused in the middle of absolute anarchy. The main thing that you want to remember is to stay consistent because that is what is going to help you make those permanent changes.