Poems that motivate you
These inspirational Poems are rare and special, but most of all they will keep you Motivated!
Poems are often therapeutic, especially when they come from the heart. I have been writing since I was a child and often find myself expressing my feelings through words. These poems are an essential part of my life. I am sharing them with you in the hopes that they will spread positivity and love!

Permanent Press
You ask me do I love You, the answer is yes—undeniably yes
I look at my life and what You have done for me, all I want to do is progress
Into the spiritual me that I know that I can be—resembling the Sunday morning paper, permanent press
Bringing me through the most dangerous storms that I have ever had to face
When life was suffocating me so extremely—No air, on my knees in despair, no breathing space!
But You were there, always there—Your love, that beautiful love that I will forever chase—ANYPLACE

Emotional Collide
Crying on the inside while smiling on the outside an Emotional Collide can have you twisting and turning down and elongated slide
Bottling up emotions like there would be no tomorrow, a holding place with no more space—filled with memories you wish you could entirely erase
Have you been there? Hands in the air with not even a fraction of you left to spare—asking, wondering
Will You still love me despite all of my inequities? Love me despite all my vulnerabilities? Love me for me?
I don’t even have to ask, Your Word says that the past is the past—So in spite of my cry, I can hold my head up high Knowing You will lift every burden, every tear, and ultimately wipe every scar completely clear

Old Skool Dayz
Grew up listening to Raggae and East Coast Music, sounds of nothing but Nas, Foxy Brown and the Wu-Tang Clan—RZA, GZA, Raekwon the Chef, and don’t forget the M—E—T—H—O—D Man
And everybody listened to some Tupac,..every Hood and down every block. I had every song, every single CD—but the one I played continually was “All Eyes On Me”
Was just 15 when I hit the club scene for me it was a normal routine—to others it seemed out of order but across the border any age would get you in—7 dollar drink and drown at just about every single place around
Even in the midst of all of this Chaos, my grandmother introduced a Man who died for me on the Cross—who knows where I would be had she not been praying for me to see the light one day
Nobody’s walk is the same but there is one Name that anyone can proclaim!—He saved me from catastrophe so I stand here and give the Lord all of the Glory—His protective hedge surrounding me allowed me to Live to tell my story!

Make You Smile
I just want to make You smile, I know I went away for a while but now I’m back and will never leave again—shouting AMEN like never before, standing in the gap to overcoming this spiritual war
Therefore, I study Your Word daily hoping maybe I can teach those willing to learn—the fact of the matter is, we don’t know the time or the hour so we need to be prepared for the day You will return
The enemy is on an attack, making a bigger impact than we can even imagine—the dragon doesn’t play any games, his ultimate goal is to throw you in those fiery flames
Know that Our Savior already paid the price for you and me—so that we could have the opportunity to give Him our entire heart, break every single chain, and finally be set free

Your Words
I heard Your words one day, I had to pull away from the old me so that You could show me how I’m supposed to be
I had a lack of understanding as to why I wasn’t completely satisfied no matter how hard I tried, it was a lot to take in—I mean I had everything I needed, didn’t lack anything but there was always something missing within
I didn’t realize what it was until I began to marinate on Your Word—It was healing, it was nourishing to me, it strengthened me, it changed me so drastically that everything I knew before was now completely blurred
I knew I had to change, I no longer wanted anything to do with the sin I was in..Your Words transformed me into the person I knew I could be
I can now feel Your presence, I feel Your warming embrace—my life has purpose and I will strive to make it to the end and no matter what, I will finish this race

Gospel Sounds
Break every chain, Break all the chains—Tearing through flames, my Lord reigns
Take me to the King, the Creator of every living thing—For You I will sing, worship, and praise to get me through the darkest days—My Lord, you never cease to amaze
Nobody Greater, than the only Originator—protects us when those storms come raging in, regardless of my sin, You lift me up no matter how low I’ve been
I give myself away, will put myself on display—Just to have the opportunity to share Your beautiful Light—will fight any opposition in the hopes that at least one person will listen to me say—that You are the Only Truth, the One True Love, and the One and Only Way

Lethal Injection
Telling the beast to cease which allows for a complete release—Yes, none other than my Prince of Peace
The battle that had begun has already been won by the Holy Son, making the devil run as his master plan is shun
Spiritual warfare it can be your worst nightmare, the enemy will impair your every thought because he creeps in your blind spot—like a camouflaged sniper undercover that you never saw coming until he’s close enough to take that first shot
He will catch you right in between your eyes because you’ve already been captivated by his web of lies—so don’t be surprised when he comes in every form of disguise like a lethal injection with no compromise!

Straight From the Heart
This poem from the start is coming straight from the heart
Some people might wonder why my love for You is so significant—why am I so distant than what I used to be? How did the scales fall off of my eyes so that now I can see?
Now understand, I consumed liquor quicker than you could blink your eye, no lie—I kept an oversupply and could drink a full bottle on my own—Didn’t realize how far I had gone until it was just me and my drink left all alone
The pain in my side I pushed aside—completely denied that my liver could be deteriorating, instead I was debating what my next drink would be
But God came in and rescued me!—Saved my life while the enemy was slicing me completely with his switchblade carving knife
Without any hesitation my Lord began a complete restoration, introduced me to Salvation—I can’t repay all the times that You have made a way out of no way, but today while I have breath in me I can say that I will try my best to make You proud of me until my very last day

You Are
You are my Strength when I am weak—when my Praise is silent, when I can’t find the words to say, when I can barely speak
You are my Hope when everything around me doesn’t seem fair—when the enemy has taken over me, suppressing me until there is none of me left to spare—I know I just have to mention Your Name and You will be right there
You are my Peace in the middle of my distress—when I feel like I’m not where I need to be, You remind me that I will always be a work in progress
You are my Power when I am powerless, my Faith when I am faithless—my Everlasting King, You are my Everything

I Trust You
When situations seem unclear and everywhere you look the Universal emotion is fear—I still trust You
When the economy is turning upside down and the atmosphere is a replication of when pharaoh was in town—I still trust You
When nothing seems familiar and life is no longer the same and this infestation is taking over like a wildfire the cannot be tamed—I still trust You
When it is so dark that I can no longer see and the trial is consuming me with no apology—I still trust You
I trust You because You are my Strength, my Hope, my Joy, my Go To in all I do—I’m alive today because of You, I can’t do life without You—my Prince of Peace even when I don’t understand, I still trust You

Life can sometimes be undefined, your subconscious mind designed to throw you off track—bringing back inflamed emotions
Oceans of never ending tears filled with fears and unwanted doubt—So you pout and you frown and you completely break down—Frustration pouring in like a flood to the point where you nearly drown
So you pray and you pray “God please, I need a brighter day, do surgery on my heart and take all this pain away!”—but He has reasons why He doesn’t
Yet you vent while piling on more and more cement on your already blockaded wall—Depression is calling you and now alcohol has become your number one go to
What do you do when you’re at your lowest low, and it’s the last round of your fight and all he needs is one more blow?
I’ll tell you what you do, you call on the Name above every Name—Jesus, free us! I don’t understand but just hold my hand as I cry on Your shoulder— Had it not been for You when life exposed it’s unpleasant side there is no way I would have ever made it through

When will the nightmare end?—A hate filled heart is one that cannot pretend
Why is there a line drawn simply due to the color of one’s skin?—A system that’s broken, fragmented, and shattered where the common culprit “discrimination” seems to be built in
An unjustified fear and the uncertainty of my husband’s protection—Not knowing what ill-tempered authoritative figure might have the “urge” to stop him solely based on his complexion
Lord, the World so desperately needs Your Love to penetrate this hate—Let Your Holy Spirit flow through every darkened soul, completely permeate

Just Submit
Without the struggle there is no way there can ever be Progression—but the challenging question is are you truly ready for the intercession?
Staying in the race until the finish line requires the Lord to redefine your state of mind—
The battle begins in your head because that is where the enemy can spread feelings of bitterness and hate—wreaking havoc on your soul until there is no more joy left is the atmosphere he wants to create
Your heart needs the Bread of Life that can only be found through the One that has already been Crowned—do not wait or hesitate until it’s too late and you are buried six feet underground
Isn’t your soul worth it? Don’t ever quit—Value the only life that you have by giving it all to Christ—JUST SUBMIT

Lasting Reflection
Sometimes trials feel like they smother you, choke, and weaken you—feeling like your life is spinning out of control and you don’t know what to do
So how do you deal with the struggle that seems all so real? Afflictions so severe shifting your emotions in every kind of direction, you don’t know what to feel
You’ve cried so many tears it’s making it hard for you to blink—on the brink of devastation, accumulation of nothing but pain and sorrow—the end of the tunnel seems so far away, what will like look like tomorrow?
We’ve all been there before, so miserable and empty they practically had to scrape you off the floor—can’t someone else just take on this agony instead of me? Know that there is an Answer!
Let the Lord repair your heart giving you the chance to have a brand new start—He will take apart and replace the all of the hurt with love and affection—your painful complexion will no longer or ever be your—Lasting Reflection

Looking at life through the rear view mirror will never allow you to get ahead—hashing up past experiences with those constant reminders is one of the ways that the enemy messes with your head
Like a snake he intertwines through your Faith, your Word, and tries to change your direction—planting seeds of fear, doubt, anxiety, and depression—the result: a perfect combination of a “Lethal Injection”
The times when you feel like you can’t move forward because of that suffocating tribulation—these are the same times you need to ask yourself “where is my Foundation?”
Don’t ever take it likely, the Lord didn’t save your life just for you—He needs you to gather your strength so that you can overcome, there is someone out there waiting for you to help them find their breakthrough

Your Name
Silence every other name speaking in my ear until Your Name is the Only Name I can hear
The battles seem to come left and right with no end in sight—Every voice in your head telling you to give up and surrender without a fight
What do you do when the warfare threatens to take over you?—on your knees drowning in a pool of sorrow begging for a breakthrough
When the light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away, you’ve prayed every last prayer and there’s seemingly nothing left to say
You get yourself back up, don’t just sit there and welcome the attack—He didn’t leave you unarmed, you pick up your Double-Edged Sword and you fight back!