Sometimes you just need a word to lift up your spirits. Circumstances can put you in a funk that you just cannot get out of. Let these quotes give you the spark of energy that you need to help change your atmosphere.

Never sell yourself short, outward appearances will eventually fade away and what is on the inside is what will be left. Choose someone that has depth, intellect, and personality that you can see yourself with for the rest of your life. Quality characteristics are what you want to look for when searching for your King or Queen.

Those private prayers are extremely powerful! Often times, your loved ones have no idea that you are interceding on their behalf when they cannot pray for themselves. It’s that silent love that is so special because it is between you and the Lord. He is Love!

Animosity is one of the most damaging emotions because of how it can affect your spirit. When you let go of those negative feelings, you are allowing yourself to now have room for love, happiness, and affection in your heart. Learn to truly forgive!

When you cannot forgive someone I mean truly forgive them, it is affecting you more than anyone else. Those harbored up emotions begin to turn into bitterness, animosity, and then eventually hate. Let those feelings completely go!

First impressions really do matter! Make it a point to exude characteristics that display self-respect, love, loyalty, and dignity. After all, you are the one that is going to set the standard of how others are going to perceive you. Keep it classy all day every day.

You will have adversity; we all will at some point in our lives, what you do with your affliction is what will make the difference. Trials and tribulations are what will give you strength, courage, and overall victory!

Those moments of fragility will never define you, it is not your make or break situation. Choose to use them to build you, strengthen you, and encourage you! Character is built when you can overcome that self-doubt.

It is easy to get sucked in by someone else’s bad attitude. Don’t fall victim to the negativity surrounding you. Let your light outshine the darkness because the fact of the matter is, you are more than a conqueror!

You should never feel like you need to hide who you truly are. We are all formed with Purpose, know your value and your worth! Never allow the real you to be disguised. Shine bright like a diamond!

Your tongue can actually be used as a weapon! Don’t let yourself get to such a bitter place that you choose to fight below the belt. You never know how deep those words can cut and how long it will take for the person you are wounding to heal. It isn’t worth the negative repercussions.

It can feel overwhelming and discouraging when you face difficult trials that threaten to take you completely out. Just know that tribulation has a purpose and it’s to put you under pressure so that you can be shaped and molded into who you are destined to become. A rare diamond that is extremely hard to find!

It can be easy to develop hatred and malice, it really only takes that one offense that gets you so upset that you allow your emotions to completely take control of you. The problem is that these negative feelings will lead to long lasting effects on your mind, heart, and spirit. Once you sense that they are taking root you have to make it your mission to get rid of them because the outcome if you don’t can be detrimental!

There is always going to be a test, either you’re just coming out of one or going into one. What will make the difference when the storms of life hit is are you going to just quit or pick up your gloves, stand up, and fight. The choice is always yours!

Life is too short to have just an empty resume. What are you going to do with the short period of time that you have on this Earth? Why not set expectations and goals for yourself, but don’t just set them but achieve them! Be ambitious because you are so much more than you give yourself credit for!

It’s not a matter of if you will have to weather the storms, but when. If you didn’t learn from the storm that you just came out of, you are definitely going to struggle with the one that is up ahead. We are all going to have to face the battles of life, make sure that you took every note on the one that you just endured!

Your partner should be your safety net ready to catch you if you fall. When you’re down and out, need a shoulder to cry on, or just need to vent, the person in your life should be your go to without hesitation. Trust is everything so when you put your trust in the Lord, He will bring someone in your life worthy of your affection.

Adversity can either propel you to your next level or hinder you from fulfilling your goals! Make the choice to let it become your stepping stone to advancing your Purpose. As long as you have breath in your body, you can become anything you want to become and achieve anything you want to achieve. It all begins with you, one day at a time!

No matter what you do, you are always going to have people around you that can’t wait to see you fail. It’s so unfortunate but true. Instead of getting discouraged allow their negativity to give you more motivation to move forward with boldness! Shake the hata’s completely off!

It is a powerful thing when you can learn to truly accept yourself wholeheartedly, every flaw and every imperfection. Know that you were perfectly designed, well thought out, and deliberately created with Purpose. Don’t ever forget your value, you are rare and exquisite and nobody can take that away from you!

No matter who you are, you have something to bring to the table. Never be afraid to be your authentic self, share your diversity, spread your individuality, and proclaim your Truth! There is only one you in this world make sure everyone in your path knows how special and priceless you truly are!

Life is all about choices and how you choose to treat others is one of them. You have never walked a day in someone else’s shoes and if you did, you wouldn’t have a clue what to do. Everyone is going through something in their lives that you know nothing about. Make sure you choose love above hate, all day every day!

Every single one of us has dealt with being underestimated for one thing or another. Use their misconception of who they think you are to show them what you are really capable of! Know your worth, don’t hold back: a hidden gem is polished, refined, and destined to shine!

It is difficult to trust especially if you’ve been hurt time and time again. That same scar that you thought was almost healed somehow keeps resurfacing. When you put your heart in the hands of the one that isn’t for you they will reopen that same wound over and over again without thinking twice. Put your trust in the King of Kings and He will send you the “One” who is truly worthy of your affection.

The misconception that people have is that you need to hide your true identity from others in fear of what they might think of them. Never be afraid to walk your walk, talk your talk, and speak your mind. Don’t be a counterfeit because you want to please others, be you completely Undiluted!

Often times we try to fit inside the standards of what society says we should be. Be bold and fierce and unafraid to showcase your potential. There is only one you, live your truth with no apologies!

The hardships that we have had to endure are the ones that have shaped and molded us into the people that we are today. Use your adversity to give you the strength that it takes to change and redirect your story. It doesn’t have to stay the way that it is, be fearless enough to turn the page and start brand new.

There is always a purpose for every lesson that we have ever had to endure. Often times, we are faced with the same trials over and over again because there are things within us that need to be exposed. Evaluate yourself and get rid of any unwanted characteristics that could be holding you back from being the best version of you!

Don’t allow yourself to get weighed down by mess. The messes that life sometimes creates, the messes that happen even when you try your hardest to avoid them, and messes that aren’t even yours to begin with. Be the type of woman that can remain classy even in the midst of complete chaos!

Make the choice to maintain quality over quantity. The fact of the matter is everybody that is in your face isn’t really for you. Don’t waste your time entertaining counterfeit representatives, be selective about who you allow in your circle.

It’s not about being arrogant, it’s about having a level of confidence that nothing can break. If you don’t hold yourself to the highest standards then who will? Self-assurance is everything when it comes to building your self-esteem, self-worth, and knowing your value!

The pain that some of us have had to endure can be so traumatic that all we want to do is bury it so deep that it will never resurface. The promise is that you are never alone in those moments of distress Hebrews 13:5. Even though it may feel as if He is distant, He is always there reaching out His Hand and all you have to do is grab onto it!

When you are being stretched emotionally, physically, and mentally it can be draining. You’re waiting and praying for your breakthrough but it seems like it will never come no matter what you do! Don’t give up; the process is necessary for you to build tenacity, persistence, and determination. Trust in His timing!

Every single one of us has flaws that we wish we could change, embrace them. Your imperfections are what make you distinct, unique, and one of a kind! A masterpiece created in His Image destined for Purpose!

Relationships go through ups, downs, and everything in between. Never think for a moment that they don’t require consistent effort, communication, and dedication. Real relationships can not only withstand the fire but come out stronger! Matthew 19:6

When dealing with people that disrespect, talk about you behind your back, or slander your name, our first response is to handle it ourselves. The best way to triumph over your enemies is to give the battle to the Only One that can. He will not only handle it for you, but will put it on display for everyone to see!

Loyalty is not one of those qualities that just anyone possesses, it means something. The fact of the matter is not everyone can say that they hold true to their word and have your back even when you aren’t around. Be mindful of your circle, keep it small and sweet!

It’s easy to allow negative seeds to get planted in your head. Don’t let outside opinions make you feel less than what you Know you are capable of. Be confident enough within yourself that regardless of someone’s low expectations, you not only show up but you show out!

One of the things that will always have you caught up is your tongue. It is powerful and can be used to uplift or to damage. We all have moments where we want to completely show out! If you are able to maintain your composure instead of arguing or getting out of character that is how you know you’ve spiritually matured.

The same person behind closed door when nobody is watching is the same person that you should be when everyone is looking. Don’t develop relationships and social media statuses based off of a counterfeit representative! Let the real “you” shine through.

A lot of times we have to go through things that bring us to our absolute breaking point in order for Him to pick up the pieces and restore them. The process can be painful and uncomfortable, but it is completely necessary. When you are at your lowest low, there He will be ready to pick you right back up!

If you are constantly looking in the rearview mirror, you are going to miss the future Blessings that the Lord has for you. Leave the past exactly where it belongs…in the past! Making permanent changes require that you don’t look back, don’t go back, and don’t revisit chapters that He has already closed!

Don’t wait until the enemy has his hands coiled around your neck before you decide that you want to seek the Only Power that will help you overcome! Keep the Word engrained in your spirit ready to combat the negative thoughts, the sickness, the doubt, the fear, and the pressure! The Word of God is Quick and Powerful and Sharper than any Two-Edged Sword!

Trust and believe those storms are going to hit and when they do they will knock the wind out of you. The question is: Will you be prepared for them when they come? Is your Foundation solid, are you prayed up and suited up? Because if you aren’t and they catch you by surprise, they will eat you up alive!

There’s always going to be negativity around you no matter where you go, it’s inevitable. Be the type of person that is able to shift the atmosphere from negative to positive regardless of the situation. Add value to everyone that you meet spreading love above hate all day and every day!

Looking back at your past is never going to allow you to progress into the person that the Lord has called you to be. Let go of the anger, the hate, the animosity, and the bitterness because that is how the enemy is going to continue to keep you bound and shackled!

If you allow negative emotions like anger, animosity, envy, jealousy, and unforgiveness have room in your heart; that is what you will radiate. Life is too short and valuable to let these unwanted characteristics hold you back from walking in your Purpose. The devil is a liar!

Bitterness is one of the most dangerous emotions because of the negativity it attaches itself to. If you are not careful that bitterness will turn into anger and then eventually hate. It is never worth keeping those harbored up feelings inside, you have to learn to just let it go!

When you know your worth and you know Whom you belong to, there is nothing that can stand in the way of that. There is something about a woman that is Bold, Confident, Humble, and Fierce, but the most important thing about her is that she is a child of God!

We all go through seasons in our lives where the enemy is wreaking havoc and you can’t seem to catch a break. He has a way of depleting you, exhausting you, and draining you so much so that you even begin to question your Faith. Remember He that is in you is always greater than he that is in the world and God Will always have the final say!

The fire that you have for the Lord gets ignited even stronger when you go through something that threatened to literally take your life, but God. Your Praise changes, your worship changes, your relationship with Christ changes because you know that you wouldn’t have made it through without His Strength, Mercy, and Grace!

When you’re in the middle of trials and tribulations it can seem like they will never end! They are debilitating, exhausting, and will wear you straight out if you let them. Keep your eyes focused on Christ, the Author and Finisher of our Faith and He will give you the strength that you need to get you through.

People will try you daily, that is a fact! It takes a strong person to see past someone’s maliciousness, nastiness, and hatefulness and extend them grace. When you have the ability to love those that show you nothing but hate, it shows your level of spiritual maturity and self-control.

There is warfare that goes on daily; the enemy doesn’t sleep! That is why it is so imperative that we praise continually and we pray without ceasing. Remain vigilant because the moment that you let your guard down, that is when the enemy will slither his way right in with no hesitation!

Often times we forget about the adversities that we had to overcome simply because we aren’t going through a season of tribulation. Trust and believe if you are not in a battle right now, you will eventually have to face one. That is why it is so important to remember every triumph; they are your proof that if He did it before, He will do it again!

A lot of times the battles that you fight daily are “you against you”. We can’t allow the negative thinking to take over our frame of mind. If you do that low self-esteem will turn into self-destruction and eventually self-hatred. Don’t let the enemy hand you the matches to light the flames to your own demise because he will, if you let him.

So many situations in our lives can cripple us to the point where we remain stagnant mentally, spiritually, financially, and just overall. Don’t allow what is going on right now hinder you from moving forward, it is only for a season pick up your mat and walk!

When you find yourself in that bottomless pit, it can be discouraging to say the least! Nobody wants to go through the pain of the process because it’s excruciating, it’s agonizing, it’s challenging, but it’s necessary! In order for you to get to a point in your life where the “old” you can no longer be recognized, you have to be willing to let go of the bitterness, the anger, the animosity, the jealousy, the unforgiveness, and any and everything else that will cause you to revert back to that person you once were.

We were all made with distinct and unique qualities that make us who we are. Envy is one of those characteristics that will prevent you from perfecting your own talents and capabilities. Hating on someone else is never a good look, learn to embrace and uplift one another genuinely! We are all in this struggle together!

Every one of us has things within ourselves that we need to improve on daily; we are all a work in progress. Trials and tribulations force you to filter out those unwanted characteristics that are preventing you from moving forward. The test is there for a reason so the longer it takes for you to learn the lesson that the Lord is trying to teach you, the more times you will have to face the same test over and over again.

One of the most difficult things to do is to stand in the place of victory when your circumstances and situations don’t reflect it. You have to have the type of Faith that says no matter what sickness, disease, mental stronghold, or chain that the enemy wants to put you in, you will not remain bound! Although he may try it, he will not succeed!

The Lord is in the business of Restoration! It doesn’t matter where you come from, what you look like, or what sins you have committed He can take the brokenness, the dirtiness, the heartbreak, the rejection and restore you so dramatically that you will be a walking Testimony!

Bitterness is one of those emotions that will entirely consume you if you let it! Before you know it, that bitterness will turn into resentment which will lead to animosity and eventually hate. The offense done against you is not worth your joy and peace of mind! Just let it go!

Don’t nobody have time to be carrying around dead weight! The mess, the stress, the pressure, the worries of life, and every and anything in between. If you live your life lugging around all of that excess baggage, it will catch up with you! Live every day of your life to the fullest and don’t allow the small and petty things steal your joy, the devil is a liar!

One of the ways that the enemy loves to keep you bound is to make you feel like you aren’t worth the diamond that you are. Every single one of us was created with Significant Purpose and the sooner that you come to that realization the easier it will be to love yourself unconditionally! You are His Masterpiece!

If you are not facing opposition, warfare, resistance, a battle, or conflict from the enemy chances are you are both heading in the same direction—he doesn’t have to worry about wasting time and energy coming at you because you are already on his team and don’t even realize it—Do not be ignorant to the devil’s devices, 2 Corinthians 2:11.

Life has a way of delivering blows that put us in a state of defeat, discouragement, and hopelessness! Most of the time the battles that we face make us feel so beaten that it brings us to our knees with our backs completely against the wall. How you handle these moments is what is going to make all the difference. Never allow yourself to remain in that frame of mind. Everything that we encounter, the Lord has given us a way of escape and you will overcome, 1 Corinthians 10:13!

No matter who you are you are going to go through trials and tribulations in your life. There will be mountains that you will have to climb and conquer. A lot of times we don’t realize that the mountain that we are facing is ourselves. We stand in our own way of progressing and moving forward and we tend to devalue and underestimate our abilities. Don’t let the enemy use you to be the mountain that is blocking your destiny and God’s Purpose for your life!

Don’t allow any doors to be opened up in your life whether it’s through sin, negative thinking, unforgiveness, and many other routes the enemy takes to wreak havoc in your life. He will find the smallest entryway that you give him and bust it wide open. Before you know it that sin has now become an addiction, those negative thoughts are creating strongholds, and the unforgiveness is turning into animosity and hate. That is why it is so important to put on the full Armor of God so that you can withstand the attacks of the enemy.

Every type of warfare requires preparation. There is no way that you are going to be able to stand against the wiles and snares of the enemy if you don’t even know the tactics that he will use against you! Don’t be ignorant to his devices! Be a step ahead and stay ready so that you never have to get ready!