6 Encouraging Messages to Embrace in 2021!

January 18, 2021

6 Encouraging Messages to Embrace in 2021!

Encourage Yourself! (3)

Let’s face it; the year 2020 was unexpected, challenging, and discouraging to say the least. Many people lost family and friends close to them, a lot of businesses went under, and countless relationships have suffered because of the changes that have occurred. Right now is the time to encourage yourself, remain positive, and persevere but it really boils down to your mindset. That is what is going to determine whether you sink or swim. Don’t let 2020 control your narrative, instead reassure yourself that this is just for a period of time and you are going to get through this. I have listed some encouraging messages to give you the increase of support that is most definitely needed!

1. Embrace the life you have:  Often times we tend to take the life that we have for granted not realizing that it is truly a gift. The fact is that people die every single day and especially now with what is going on in the world right now. We allow the little things like arguments, blowups, and offenses get in the way of what’s important like loving the people in your life unconditionally. If the ones that you care about do not know how much you love them, you have to make it your mission to make sure that they do. 

The Word of God tells us in James 4:14 that “whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” This passage of scripture is very clear that your life is literally like the blink of any eye, here one second and then gone the next. Your existence on this earth is so short, so embrace it with nothing but Love but the kind of Love that shines bright just as the Lord’s Love does. Radiate it and spread it because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

2. Understand your Blessing:  A Blessing comes in many shapes and forms and at times the understanding of whether or not you are really getting Blessed can get confusing. When it comes to having material possessions, you want to be very cautious that they don’t become an idol. What I mean by that is you do not want to begin to idolize the car, the house, the clothes, or shoes so much so that you forget who you are. That is when they become more than just accessories but more of what you use to solidify your identity.

Someone that is blessed doesn’t have to have the latest phone, the most expensive purse, or the nicest outfit because all of that is just temporary. The true Blessing comes from within, it’s about your heart and the person that you are on the inside that really matters. That is what is permanent and holds the authenticity of who you are. How do you treat the people around you? Are they better people because they have you in their life or do you give off unnecessary negativity? These are some of the questions that you can ask yourself honestly and if the answer to any of the questions isn’t favorable then try to work on changing those damaging characteristics. It all begins with you, one day at a time!

3. Press Forward: Keep pressing forward no matter what obstacle is in your path! It may seem like you will never get ahead, you’re a single parent with 2 jobs working paycheck to paycheck and you just cannot seem to get a break. Trust me I have been there! What you don’t want to do is give up and throw in the towel when life becomes a little difficult

Understand that trials and tribulations will affect all of us in one capacity or another but one thing is certain, the Lord will not give you more than you can bear. Often times the same affliction that you endure is the very same one that is going to give you the endurance that you need to make it through those situations that threaten to completely take you out. 

The inner strength that you have comes from the One that gave it to you and His Name is Jesus and He will never leave you nor forsake you! Hebrews 13:5

4. Let it go: When we go through traumatic experiences we have no idea what effect it will have on us in the long run. The strongest smiles seem to be hidden behind the worst pains. The pain of previous relationships that left an unwanted scar, the pain of the health issue that won’t go away, or the pain of daily struggles that are so very real!

What do we do with all of that built up misery that seems to carry over year after year after year? You let it go! Start the year 2021 off right and get rid of all of that baggage that has been dragging you down all of this time. Get yourself into the Word of God and genuinely begin to heal. He has the ability to take all of the hurt, all of the pain, all of the sorrow and begin to repair and restore what the enemy thought he stole from you.

5. Embrace your life lessons: By definition a lesson is something that is a “useful piece of practical wisdom acquired by experience or study”(dictionary.com) What about life lessons? What do we do with those tests that we fail over and over again? What do we do when it seems like there is no light at the end of your tunnel? Life lessons are the ones that create tenacity, determination, and perseverance, embrace them!

If you never had to face adversity a day in your life your character would never develop. Gratefulness and appreciation is birthed when you go through something that aimed to wreak havoc in your life but didn’t. There is a shaping and molding that takes place with every difficult circumstance that you encounter and conquer. They make you persistent, wiser, more determined, and most of all aware. Knowledgeable of what you are capable of because what you thought was going to kill you only made you that much stronger. So when those storms hit, because they will, don’t allow them to intimidate you like they once did. It is only for a season and you are more than prepared to succeed!

6. Shine your light: One thing that is definite is that the world that we live in is getting darker and darker every single day. You want to be someone that is the light in the midst of all of the cloudiness. People can mislead you into thinking that everything is ok because on the outside it may seem that way but usually it is nothing but a front. Every person has their own battles that they face and you might just be the only light that they will ever see. Radiate it!

When you spread genuine love above all other emotions it becomes contagious. Every day someone is losing loved ones, dealing with oppression, overwhelmed with finances, shattered by broken marriages, and the list goes on and on. If they had someone in their lives that exuded positivity, hope, faith, and belief it would make such a tremendous difference. Be that person for someone else and shine your light!