August 17, 2022
How to build your confidence!

So what exactly is confidence? Breaking down that word we can conclude that it pertains to having high self-assurance, fearlessness, and boldness! It is being completely secure of who you are and your abilities. Someone that is sure of themselves will know their worth and value and will not accept anything less than what they deserve. How you feel about yourself is everything! It affects how others perceive you, your relationships, friendships, and every other aspect of your life. Building your confidence can be more difficult for some than others but the bottom line is that it can be done. Don’t continue to live your life timid, uncertain of your capabilities, and apprehensive about everything that you do. It needs to end today! Below I have listed some helpful tips that will get you on the right path to building your confidence!

Understand that you are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made:
Psalm 139:14 says, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” In this verse of scripture David is appreciating how marvelous God’s creation of us truly is. The Lord spent time as He authentically created every single one of us. He calls us His workmanship, Ephesians 2:10. He is the proficient Craftsman meaning that He makes no mistakes when He creates and constructs anything and that includes you. Your individual features and unique characteristics were created so exclusively that you are literally the only person that possesses those exact traits. This is the reason why you are so special, distinct, and rare. You were created in His Image. Once you gain the revelation of just how important you are to God, it will encourage you to see yourself as He sees you, a precious gem!
So when the enemy tries to fire those arrows at you attempting to establish negative thinking, you can be reminded of the fact that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and nothing will change that! The devil is the father of lies and what he does is take your insecurities, uncertainties, and doubts and exacerbates them. This is how he begins to develop the strongholds in you that cause you to feel unworthy and valueless, do not allow him to snatch your crown from your head. Stand tall and confident like the king or queen that you are!
Meditate on the Word of God:
Having confidence has to do with having the right mindset. The question is how does one go about changing their frame of mind? The best way to renew your thought process is to get into the Word of God. The Lord tells us just how to do that in Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Society wants you to follow the latest trends, fashions, and people which 9 times out of 10 are superficial. This is how someone develops low self-esteem to begin with. They are attempting to replicate something or someone that was altered to perfection and doesn’t naturally exist. The Lord warns us not to follow the world because that is what will lead you astray; instead understand, digest, and apply His Word daily.
Some scriptures helpful to meditate on pertaining to confidence are:
· 2 Timothy 1:7-“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
· Isaiah 32:17-“The work of righteousness will be peace, And the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.”
· Philippians 1:6– “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;”
· Jeremiah 1:5– “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
· Joshua 1:9– “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
· 1 Peter 3:3-4– “Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”
These are just a few of the many scriptures scattered throughout the bible that will edify, build, renew, and transform the way that you view yourself. Make it a point to take some time out of each day in the Lord’s Word. You will be surprised at how dramatically it will aid in you building your level of confidence!
Identify Your Strengths:
Believe it or not, a lot of us don’t even realize our own personal strengths. What are your natural gifts and talents? What are the areas in your life that you excel in without even trying? It is so important to identify where you thrive effortlessly so that you can take full advantage of your skills and abilities. When you can master capabilities that others struggle to even scratch the surface of, it will automatically boost your confidence. Focus on refining those qualities as much as you can on a daily basis.
For instance:
· If you are a natural singer, rehearse until you get your voice to its highest level.
· If you are a writer, don’t let your talent for writing go to waste: write that book or write that blog as you inspire others in the process.
· If you are a psalmist, get those poems written down on paper and do something with them.
· If you are a natural motivator, start that YouTube channel, blog, Podcast, or any other method to get your motivational words out to those that need to hear them.
These are just some examples of how you can enhance the natural gifts and talents that the Lord has gifted you with. You will be astounded at how much your self-esteem will soar just by you spending time developing your strengths. Every single one of us has aspects of our lives that we are stronger in than others. Get a piece of paper and write down what they are. The main thing you want to remember is that you have to keep it 100% with yourself when identifying your particular strong suits; this is what will make all the difference.
Know Your Circle:
Who are you surrounding yourself with? The company that you keep will essentially be the determining factor when it comes to your demeanor, attitude, and the characteristics that you’re exposed to. If you are around people that are always negative, they never have anything nice to say, or they constantly criticize you; you best believe every bit of that will trickle straight onto you! It is inevitable, you will soak up the negative mannerisms that your friends and family radiate if you hang around them long enough. That is why it is so important to keep your inner circle small and sweet. You don’t have to subject yourself to unfavorable traits that others emit if it is not in your best interest.
Remember, you can love and pray for people from afar. Just because they call you a friend or they are a family member doesn’t mean that you have to be around them for extensive periods of time. Surround yourself with people that are uplifting, positive, optimistic, and walk with boldness and surety. These are the kind of qualities that you want to rub off on you when you are attempting to build your confidence. The bottom line is: you are a direct reflection of the company that you keep. Store that in your memory bank so that when you meet someone new, it will be brought right back to your remembrance. This will help you determine whether you want this new person to gain a place in your inner circle or whether you need to keep them at a distance.
Create Goals:
One of the best methods to building your self-assurance is to create achievable goals. What better way to realize what you are capable of than to formulate a goal and master it. A lot of times we want to remain in our comfort zone never stretching our limits. What that does it causes you to stay stagnant, stunts your growth, hinders your development, and limits how you evolve as a person. When you can look back at your life and visually see how far you’ve come it will propel your self-confidence to the highest levels.
Don’t restrict your abilities:
· Take on that position at work that you thought you didn’t qualify for.
· Start that new business that you always wanted to begin but were too afraid to.
· Start and complete that book that you know you need to write.
· Make your YouTube channel already; someone needs to hear what you have to say!
The way you perceive yourself is critical when it comes to how much confidence you genuinely exude. When you can accomplish milestones that you never fathomed you ever could it is a powerful thing! The more that you put your gifts and talents into action the more you will become certain of the areas that you are skilled in. Practice makes perfect as they say but if you are unwilling to go out on a limb and put yourself in uncomfortable situations, you are never going to develop into the person that you know you can be!
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