Isaiah 26:3

September 27, 2023

Isaiah 263

Isaiah 26:3

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

 The prophet Isaiah was used mightily by the Lord to give direction to the children of Israel. His prophecies often consist of the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He also gave messages of hope for God’s people when they needed it the most. This particular passage of Scripture out of the Old Testament is a part of a song created by the prophet regarding a day that the land of Judah will see salvation.

It was a prophecy of the promise of God that one day a Savior would come and reign over Israel and the rest of the World. This will be a time when the perfect peace of God will be sung about in all of the land of Judah. One thing that we need to understand is that the Lord makes it completely clear that only the righteous will be able to enter into this Holy city ruled by Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 26:1-2 details “In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah:

“We have a strong city; God will appoint salvation for walls and bulwarks. Open the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in.” So, here we can see that the prophet Isaiah led by the Holy Spirit is distinguishing the fact that the city will be a land of uprightness in the eyes of the Lord. This particular song is a song of trust that will be sung about our Wonderful Counselor, King of Kings, and Prince of Peace.

The good news is that God’s Word stands true for us today; He will keep us in complete peace when we keep our minds set on Him. How does one do that? When hard times come, because they will, we have to remain in God’s presence, God’s peace, and in the Word of God. That is why it is so significant to meditate on the Lord’s Word continually.

Joshua 1:8 describes it perfectly when he states, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” When we reflect on the Holy Bible day and night, we leave no room for doubt, chaos, uncertainty, and conflict.

Even in our most challenging circumstances we are to look to the Lord God for everlasting strength. He is the only One that has the ability to give you a peace that surpasses human understanding, Philippians 4:7. He is the Lord Jehovah Shalom which literally means the Lord our peace.

The problem that we often face is when the trials and tribulations hit we forget that we serve a mighty God that has the ability to calm the storms. We have to make it a point to have a steadfast mind that stays on Christ regardless of what is going on around you. The battle is always going to be in your mind so what the enemy will do when those storms hit is he will try to keep you distracted so that you will think about everything else but Christ Jesus.

Another important thing to point out is the fact that the Lord tells us specifically that the only way that we will make it into this strong city is if we remain righteous or in right standing with God. The effect of righteousness in a person will be evident by their demeanor, the way they treat others, if they are obedient to the Word of God, and the condition of their heart.

Now let’s take a closer look at the verse of Scripture that I am highlighting, Isaiah 26:3. The word “perfect” used in the passage is the Hebrew word šālôm which means: completeness, soundness, welfare, health, and prosperity. So, we can conclude that the peace of Christ is perfect completeness mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

The words “in peace” used is also the Hebrew word šālômthis is not by mistake. The Lord wants us to grasp the significance of this word. True completeness can only be found in Christ. Anything outside of Him is a counterfeit and will provide you with a sense of security and peace for only a moment. This is why having an authentic relationship with our Heavenly Father is so important because it will allow you to know genuine peace versus an imitation.

Another significant word needing to be looked at is the word “mind” which is the Hebrew word yēṣer which means: a steadfast purpose or frame of mind, framework. Then the prophet Isaiah says the word “stayed” which is the Hebrew word sāmaḵ which means: to lean, lay, rest, support, put, uphold, lean upon, and sustain.

When we dissect this portion of this Scripture we can determine that God is making it known to us that we need to keep our entire frame of mind completely supported, upheld, and steadfastly kept on the Lord and the Lord alone. When you allow your mind to wonder to other things particularly ungodly thoughts and imaginations, this is what is going to disturb your fortified peace.

We are to cast down or pull down any thought that is contrary to the Word of God. If you don’t it will fester in your framework or mind until it becomes a stronghold that can be hard to break. That is the reason that the Lord wants us to keep our minds stayed on Him. The Holy Scriptures will protect you against the schemes of the devil in a powerful way, but you have to have them stored in your heart and your mind.

The final part of this passage that I want to highlight is the words “he trusts” or the Hebrew word bāṭaḥ which means: to trust and to have confidence in God. So the Lord is revealing to us that those that trust in Him are the ones that will have the perfect peace that only He can provide us with. Often times we find ourselves relying on everything but God. That is why you struggle to stand firm and strong through the storms of life.

The lesson that the prophet Isaiah is delivering to the children of Israel and us today is that there is such thing as perfect peace that can only be found in the Lord. When we fail to spend time with Him, in His Word, in prayer, and worship; that is when the enemy comes in like a flood. God makes Himself perfectly clear: “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,” John 4:24.

Also, don’t forget to check out my other blogs:

Isaiah 38:5

Isaiah 43:19

Isaiah 40:29

Isaiah 14:12

Isaiah 64:6

Isaiah 61:1

Isaiah 54:17

Isaiah 53:5

Who is the Prophet Isaiah

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Fight Back

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Feed Your Spirit

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Renouncing

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Confess and Repent

Recognizing Spiritual Strongholds

What are Spiritual Strongholds?

The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 1

The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 2

The Spiritual Laws of God-Restoration

The Spiritual Laws of God-The General Principles

The Spiritual Laws of God-The Power of Your Tongue!

The Spiritual Laws of God-Having an Understanding

If you’ve missed any of the other weekly quotes, no worries I am listing them down below:

Positive Quote for the Week: The Real You

Positive Quote for the Week: A Merry Heart

Positive Quote for the Week: Spiritual Maturity

Positive Quote for the Week: No Limits

Positive Quote for the Week: Your Tongue is a Weapon

Positive Quote for the Week: The Battle is His

Positive Quote for the Week: True Love

Positive Quote for the Week: Imperfectly You

Positive Quote for the Week: The Process

Positive Quote for the Week-Hidden Pain

Positive Quote for the Week-Know Your Worth

Positive Quote for the Week-Evaluate Your Character