December 8, 2023 (Updated)
Proverbs Scriptures designed for a Queen!
![Fit for a Queen Fit for a Queen](
A Queen is classy, elegant, poised, and confident! She knows who she is in Christ and doesn’t allow outside influences to dim her light. She is courageous, fierce, bold, and recognizes the importance of being a source of strength to her family. This beautiful woman has the kind of character that other women around her consistently take note of. The book of Proverbs has so many substantial scriptures that will help any woman gain the wisdom needed to master her role as a wife, mother, daughter, and friend. I have comprised some of the most powerful Proverbs scriptures that you don’t want to dismiss!
Proverbs 14:1 “The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.”
The Holy Spirit is communicating to us that a woman filled with wisdom is one who strives to build her house and not tear it down. Some of the personality traits of a knowledgeable woman are: discernment, discretion, good judgment, and the ability to make sound decisions. The woman that is the queen of her household can significantly influence the dynamics of her family. She can either create an atmosphere of peace, love, respect, and kindness; or she can generate hostility, frustration, and contempt. It really boils down to one thing, the condition of her heart.
The Lord describes a wise woman as:
One that follows after Him wholeheartedly and cherishes her relationship with Him
A woman who is faithful
A woman who is trustworthy
A woman who is confident
A woman whose inner beauty is even greater than her outward beauty
A woman that is virtuous
A woman full of strength
These are just a few of the individualities detailed in the Word of God pertaining to a wise woman. Now on the flip side, a foolish woman is one that doesn’t have any consideration for her husband or her children. She causes strife and division within the household making it extremely difficult for any unity to be established. In order for you to know which category you fall into you have to be willing to be honest with yourself. Are you the type of person that is unwilling to compromise, stubborn, and unwilling to change? If that woman is you, just know that you could single-handedly be tearing your house down with your own hands brick by brick!
Proverbs 31:25 “Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come.”
This Proverb is so captivating because it describes what a powerful woman should encompass: strength and honor. The Holy Spirit goes into detail throughout the entire chapter of 31 about what a virtuous woman is essentially supposed to look like. The Lord specifies that she will wear her strength and honor as if it was her clothing. Meaning that she will carry herself with elegance and grace regardless of what she is doing or who is around. It will come so natural to her that it would be like an added piece of clothing that she would wear on a daily basis.
She holds herself and her family in the highest regards being mindful not to disrespect or dishonor them by her actions. This sophisticated woman exemplifies what it means to have inner beauty and although she isn’t superficial, her outward appearance is just as captivating. She is as fierce as they come; and represents how to have strength in the midst of the storms of life because she knows the One that can calm every storm. She embraces her role as a wife and mother making sure that she doesn’t lose her identity in the process.
She is exclusive, the type of woman that doesn’t need to compare herself with those around her because she knows her worth! This beautiful Queen is strong and fearless, unbothered by the future or what tribulations may come her way because the peace of the Lord resides within her!
Proverbs 21:9 “Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.”
Can you just imagine coming home after a long day at work and all you want to do is relax and be at peace only to come home to a nagging wife? The atmosphere that you set in your household is so vital; it can make the difference between serenity and chaos. There is not one single person in this world that wants stress added to an already stressful day. As women we want to be our husband’s support system; lifting him up when he falls, maintaining a healthy environment for him, and having his back at all times.
The Lord is revealing to us through His Word what He thinks about a woman that only wants to argue, nag, fuss, and fight with her husband and children. To put this verse into context He is saying that a man that deals with a wife that makes it her mission to irritate him consistently is better off living outside on the roof. In that time, the husbands would often withdraw to the top of their homes to take some time to themselves after a disagreement with their wives. The Lord is stressing the point that a woman that is argumentative and combative is naturally going to be difficult to live with. Don’t allow yourself to fall into this category be the kind of woman that your husband can’t wait to get home to at the end of a long day!
Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.”
The word virtuous is pertaining to someone that is noble, honest, faithful, righteous, and respectable but above everything else loves and fears the Lord. When you place God first in your life He will give you a partner that is worthy of your affection. A Queen is rare, far above rubies is what the Lord describes her as. She has taken the time out to develop a genuine relationship with Him and it shows in the way she walks, the way she talks, and most importantly by the way she loves!
The question in this proverb, “who can find a virtuous woman?” is very telling. Any woman can call themselves a wife, but are you a virtuous wife? Nobody is perfect and we all have flaws and adverse characteristics that we need to work on daily. The problem is that when we get married we forget about compromise, communication, respect, and growth and we want our spouse to take us as we are. Marriage is always a work in progress; it is something that has to be developed every single day. As Queens we want to ensure that our families are well taken care of emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Be the example for other women in your life of what it looks like to be that devoted, Godly woman. You want the Lord to look at you and say, “that is my daughter; her worth is far above rubies!”
Proverbs 31:18 “She perceives that her merchandise is good, And her lamp does not go out by night.”
As we dive into this verse of scripture written by King Lemuel we can see that some of the qualities that an honorable woman demonstrates are ambition and drive. She is fully aware that she must contribute 100 percent to the household in order for it to be successful. A lot of times you will hear people in relationships say that it has to be a 50/50 exchange in order for the marriage to be effective, not so! A person that is fully committed to the partnership wants to give it their all. A Queen who knows her value won’t just sit around the house doing nothing but instead will go out there and do what it takes to contribute to her family’s well-being.
The second part of this proverb explains the fact that this determined woman will not stop until she gets the job done; even if that means she is up throughout the night. She is never stagnant but willingly works in and out of the home helping her husband with whatever needs to be accomplished. She represents what it means to be the perfect companion always standing in the gap whenever need be. This beautiful Queen is a boss, an entrepreneur, and influential and she will not accept anything less. However, her greatest achievement is that she takes care of her family, household, and herself and she does it with class and elegance!
Also, don’t forget to check out my other blogs:
Proverbs Scriptures that will help you tame your tongue!
Proverbs Scriptures that you need in your life right now!
Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Fight Back
Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Feed Your Spirit
Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Renouncing
Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Confess and Repent
Recognizing Spiritual Strongholds
What are Spiritual Strongholds?
The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 1
The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 2
The Spiritual Laws of God-Restoration
The Spiritual Laws of God-The General Principles
The Spiritual Laws of God-The Power of Your Tongue!
The Spiritual Laws of God-Having an Understanding
If you’ve missed any of the other weekly quotes, no worries I am listing them down below:
Positive Quote for the Week: Silence Outside Voices
Positive Quote for the Week: Radiate God’s Love
Positive Quote for the Week: Praise Through the Storm
Positive Quote for the Week: Be a Light Shining in Darkness
Positive Quote for the Week: Nothing Should Steal Your Joy
Positive Quote for the Week: Don’t Quit
Positive Quote for the Week: The Real You
Positive Quote for the Week: A Merry Heart
Positive Quote for the Week: Spiritual Maturity
Positive Quote for the Week: No Limits