James 3:16-Envy and Self-Seeking brings forth Confusion

June 1, 2024

James 3-16

James 3:16-Envy and Self-Seeking brings forth Confusion

This particular passage of Scripture was written by James who was the half-brother of Jesus Christ. Chapter three began with the Apostle James exposing the dangers of an untamed tongue and we see that throughout the entire chapter. He discussed the power of the tongue and how it is a small member of your body but has the ability to spew out hatred, deadly poison, destruction, and curses.

Then there is a shift in the chapter and he begins to educate fellow believers on the difference between Godly wisdom and demonic or worldly wisdom. God’s wisdom begins with: abiding by the Word of God, showing good conduct, and meekness of wisdom, James 3:13. That is why it is so important that you take the time to get into the Lord’s Word: study it, digest it, and apply it to your daily life.

There is no way that you can follow the stipulations found in the Holy Bible if you don’t even know what they are. One of the main ways that we perish is because we lack knowledge, Hosea 4:6. What knowledge? The knowledge found in God’s Word. The enemy uses our ignorance to his devices time and time again to ensnare us in his many traps, 2 Corinthians 2:11. His goal is and always will be to steal, kill, and destroy, John 10:10.

Then James goes into what demonic wisdom would look like so that you have clear understanding of the difference. He details, “But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.” Then he takes it a step even further when he makes it known that following your own desire and radiating bitter, jealousy, and relying on your own selfish ambition is earthly, sensual, and demonic, James 3:15.

You really cannot get any clearer than that! He is not sugar-coating a thing but is giving us a strong warning against this kind of demonic wisdom. When you are a Christian, you have the gift of the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you guiding and leading you into all truth, John 16:13. He will put a check in your spirit if you are displaying any evil practice and sinful behaviors, it is then up to you to heed to His Voice!

Now let’s take a closer look at the passage of Scripture that I am highlighting out of the book of James.

James 3:16

“But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.”

The word “bitter” being used in this passage is the Greek word pikros which means: harsh and virulent (poisonous). The word “envy” being used is the Greek word zēlos which means: an envious or contentious rivalry, and jealousy. The word “self-seeking” being used here is the Greek word eritheia which means: partisanship (narrow-mindedness), factiousness (disobedient and lack of discipline.

Here we can see that the first part of this verse is letting us know that if you carry resentment and harshness in your heart it is like poison to your body. James also mentions that bitter envying, jealousy, and narrow-mindedness are also characteristics that need to be avoided. In fact this way of thinking can cause sickness to your body.

Proverbs 14:30 details, “A sound heart is life to the body, But envy is rottenness to the bones.” When you are filled with the Word of God and you obey His commandments, you will come to find out that you will have a sound mind. That is why the Lord stresses the importance of renewing your thought process, Romans 12:2.

On the contrary what King Solomon is disclosing to us is in this proverb are the effects of your body when you harbor envy in your heart: you will experience rottenness to the bones. Have you ever come across a person that is extremely bitter and filled with resentment and unforgiveness that always seems to be sick? That is because the enemy will use your negative emotions as an open door to wreak havoc in your life.

Another example of how detrimental these damaging emotions can be to your body is found in Acts 8:23. It states, “For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.” As you can see, bitterness is such an evil thing to keep in your heart that it will poison you from the inside out and bind you in your own wickedness. Bitterness is one of the most used devices by the enemy to keep us in complete bondage.

As we take a look at the second part of the Scripture that I am breaking down we can see that the word “boast” which is the Greek word katakauchaomai which means: to glory against, to exalt over, and to boast oneself. The words “lie not” being used is the Greek word pseudomaiwhich means: to deceive one by a lie. The word “truth” being used here is the Greek word alētheia which means: what is true in any matter under consideration and opposed to what is false.

The message that James is attempting to convey to us is that if you do not have true wisdom in your heart which is found in the Word of God, then you should be cautious about speaking lies against God’s Truth. One true way to know if you are exhibiting the ways of the Lord is by examining whether or not you are displaying good fruits found in Galatians 5:22-23.

On the contrary if you are exhibiting the characteristics of the world like bitterness, self-seeking, envy, and strife then you want to be extremely careful that you watch the words that come out of your mouth. Never forget the fact that every single thing that you say you will be held accountable for, Matthew 12:36.

It is our responsibility to know the difference between Heavenly wisdom and demonic wisdom. The only way that we will know when we are following the wisdom of the Lord is if we get into His Word: studying it, digesting it, and applying it to your daily life!

Also, don’t forget to check out my other blogs:

James 3:10-Bessings versus Curses 

James 3:8-The Unruly Tongue

James 3:6-Your Tongue is a Fire

James 3:4-5-Be Mindful of Your Tongue

James 2:2-3-Be Mindful of Showing Special Attention

Who is Jesus’ brother James?

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Fight Back

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Feed Your Spirit

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Renouncing

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds-Confess and Repent

Recognizing Spiritual Strongholds

What are Spiritual Strongholds?

The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 1

The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 2

The Spiritual Laws of God-Restoration

The Spiritual Laws of God-The General Principles

The Spiritual Laws of God-The Power of Your Tongue!

The Spiritual Laws of God-Having an Understanding

If you’ve missed any of the other weekly quotes, no worries I am listing them down below: 

Positive Quote for the Week: Stay Positive

Positive Quote for the Week: Strive to Maintain a Merry Heart

Positive Quote for the Week: Strive to Maintain a Merry Heart

Positive Quote for the Week: Do no Repay Evil with Evil

Positive Quote for the Week: Let Your Praise be Continually in Your Mouth

Positive Quote for the Week: Don’t Allow the Enemy to Steal Your Peace

Positive Quote for the Week: You are God’s Masterpiece 

Positive Quote for the Week: The Lord will fight your battle for you