March 17, 2023
Overcoming the Spirit of Fear-Part 2

Watch what you say
One thing that we can never forget when it comes to the spiritual rules and regulations that the Lord has in place is that death and life is in the power of the tongue. The perfect Scripture that summarizes this is found in Proverbs 18:21 when King Solomon states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” The Lord is literally telling us that what you say can really mean life or death.
It is so significant to be mindful of the words that come out of your mouth. Remember, the enemy and his demonic kingdom forms their strongholds when we break the spiritual laws of God. The Scripture that discloses this truth is seen in Psalm 94:20 “Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, Have fellowship with you?” Here the Lord is plainly showing us how the devil devises his mischief, by law.
In other words, when we go against God’s written rules and regulations that He has established, it opens the door for the enemy to have legal access into our lives. The Lord is definitive when He lets us know that we are not to have the spirit of fear, 2 Timothy 1:7. Fear is a demonic spirit that the devil uses to devise his wicked schemes.
Over and over again you see Christians that are so bound by fear that they have trouble spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness, walking in their divine purpose, and using the gifts and talents that the Lord has given them. That evil spirit also brings in other adverse emotions like anxiety, terror, and worry.
What is the devil’s goal in invoking fear into our lives? What it does is stops us right where we are, he wants us to remain stagnant and motionless when it comes to advancing the Kingdom of God. Trust and believe the enemy is just waiting for opportunities to unleash this powerful spirit on you legally.
One of the number one ways that he does this is by getting us to come into agreement with the thoughts that he throws at our minds. For instance, you’ll be thinking I am so scared and afraid of the dark. Before you know it, you will be speaking out loud and believing that you are actually afraid of the dark and that fear becomes your reality.
Other examples of ways that you can come into agreement with the spirit of fear is saying things like:
- “I am so scared that I am never going to get a job.”
- “I am so fearful that I am never going to get married.”
- “I am scared that I will never have kids.”
- “I am so scared to talk to people face to face.”
- “I am so fearful to get into the water.”
- “I am so scared to be alone.”
Coming into agreement with the flaming arrows that the devil and his demonic kingdom are throwing your direction will give them the legal right to begin to establish these fears and phobias into strongholds. God tells us in the Bible that we are to cast down those thoughts that are contrary to His Word, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Fear is not from the Lord and it is in opposition to the Scriptures. As soon as those thoughts are planted in our heads, we are to pull them down and extinguish them.
If you don’t, what will end up happening is the enemy will send more arrows at you on a more consistent basis because he can see that you are not giving him any resistance. He doesn’t care what spirit has us chained and shackled as long as it is preventing us from walking in freedom. That is why so many people (believers and non-believers) are dealing with anxiety, depression, fear, doubt, worry, etc.
As Christians we don’t have an excuse because we have all the warfare material and armor that we need to fight off any demonic attack regardless of how strong it is. We have the precious gift of the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us: teaching us, guiding us, showing us how to fight against the devil’s tactics, and providing us with the necessary power needed to succeed.
The problem is that most Christians are not studying to show themselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15), they are not fasting (Matthew 6:16) and praying (Psalm 32:6), they are not developing any intimacy with the Lord (James 4:8), and they are living in blatant sin. The devil will eat you up and spit you out. He uses our ignorance to his advantage.
I definitely had to learn this lesson the difficult way. I was so demonically oppressed that I did not know if I was going to make it through. That is why I am so passionate about warning as many people as I can and spreading as much information that I can so that others do not have to learn the hard way.
I have many articles that deal with the power of your tongue: The Power of Your Tongue, Proverb Scriptures that will Help You Tame Your Tongue!, and The Spiritual Laws of God-The Power of Your Tongue!

Biblical Example of the Spirit of Fear
Believe it or not, one of the most prevalent examples of the spirit of fear coming into fulfillment is in the story of Job. Job 3:25 states, “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.”
Let’s now take a look at what Job actually feared:
Job 1:5 reveals, “So it was, when the days of feasting had run their course, that Job would send and sanctify them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did regularly.”
Here we can conclude by this verse of Scripture that Job feared that something would happen to his children because of their continual sin so he felt the need to purify them regularly. So this was a deep fear of his, in fact so deep that he probably worried about it on a daily basis. Job loved the Lord with all of his heart but that wicked spirit of fear was doing a work in his mind.
God is the same today, yesterday, and forever so we know from Scripture found in the Old Testament on multiple occasions that God is stating to “fear not.” Unfortunately, Job allowed that spirit of fear to completely consume him. We can see that when we look back at Job 3:25 when Job states, “What I feared has come upon me…”
That is why it is so important that we cast those thoughts that the enemy plants in our minds before they begin to take root. Fear is one of those spirits that can really wreak havoc in a person’s life. Knowing what it is and how to combat it will truly make all the difference.
The fact of the matter is that every single one of us is going to face fear at one time or another. What do you do when that persistent spirit tries diligently to invade your space? We have already been given the authority to trample on serpents and scorpion, Luke 10:19. The question is what are you doing with the authority that Jesus Christ died for every Christian to have?
Are you saying “not today Satan,” and picking up your double-edged Sword and fighting back? Or, are you allowing the enemy to have his way in your life? It all begins with you, but in order for you to fight effectively; you have to know the opponent that you are up against.
Just like a police officer that reads you your Miranda rights when he or she arrests you letting you know that every word can be used against you in a court of law. The same applies when it comes to the Lord’s Law, every word that you say can be used against you. The devil will accuse you by using the Word of God against you, which is the spiritual rules and regulations that the Lord has put into place.
Understanding the Lord’s spiritual rules and regulations will help you avoid the devil’s traps. I have several articles that break down some of the most important ones: The Spiritual Laws of God-Having an Understanding, The Spiritual Laws of God-The Power of Your Tongue!, The Spiritual Laws of God-The General Principles, The Spiritual Laws of God-Restoration, The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 1, and The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 2.
God’s law tells us that we are not to have the spirit of fear that negative emotion is not of the Lord. We can see that fact in several verses of Scripture. He does however let us know that our mind is supposed to be sound, filled with love and power! How does one obtain that kind of mindset? God tells us that we are to have the mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:16, but how does one go about doing that?
The only way that we can be transformed more and more like Jesus Christ is if we renew our minds with the Word of God. That way when the enemy tries to feed you with lies, you can counteract them by saying “it is written” but actually know and believe what you are saying because it will be embedded and written in your heart, Romans 2:15.
One of the easiest ways that the devil entraps believers of Jesus Christ is by the things that we say. All it takes is us verbalizing what the enemy is infiltrating our minds with and we have already come into agreement with his schemes. That is why the Lord is very adamant about letting us know that death and life is literally in the power of your tongue.
Many people look past that verse of Scripture and don’t even take it seriously. They don’t realize that a lot of their spiritual oppression is happening because of something that they said and something that they came into agreement with. The spirit of fear is one of devil’s most used weapons and it is causing chaos in the lives of so many people.
Understanding how the spiritual realm works and how the enemy uses our words to his advantage will make a significant difference on how you fight. The first place to start is your Bible. The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you into all truth, John 16:13. He will teach you how to use your spiritual weapons so that you don’t become a casualty of war!
Also, don’t forget to check out my other blogs:
Overcoming the Spirit of Fear-Part 1
Power of Prayer (The Family Unit and Intercessory Prayer)
Power of Prayer (Praying in Your Heavenly Language)
Power of Prayer (Principles of Prayer)
Power of Prayer (Praying the Scriptures)
The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 1
The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 2
The Spiritual Laws of God-Restoration
The Spiritual Laws of God-The General Principles
The Spiritual Laws of God-The Power of Your Tongue!
The Spiritual Laws of God-Having an Understanding
If you’ve missed any of the other weekly quotes, no worries I am listing them down below:
Positive Quote for the Week: Are you Prepared for the Test?
Positive Quote for the Week-Stay Away from Hatred and Malice
Positive Quote for the Week: Diamonds are Formed in Pressure
Positive Quote for the Week: Be Mindful of Your Words
Positive Quote for the Week: Overcome, Outshine, and Conquer!
Positive Quote for the Week: Don’t Underestimate Your Strength
Positive Quote for the Week: Be Strong and Courageous
Positive Quote for the Week: Know Your Worth!
Positive Quote for the Week: Learn to Forgive
If you’ve missed some of the previous Positive Weekly Messages, no worries I am linking them below:
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right-December 11, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! December 4, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! November 20, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! November 13, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! November 6, 2022