August 28, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get your week started off right!

Why is positive thinking so important?
Positive thinking is so important because it most definitely affects your life physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally in the best way! People that are optimistic are able to see the brighter side of things even when they are going through trials and tribulations. This way of thinking prevents stress, anxiety, and worry. The Word of God tells us in Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Breaking down this scripture we can see that the Lord is making a point about how harmful it is to worry and be anxious. We have enough going on in our lives every single day, the last thing we want to do is add more stress by worrying about the next day. With a positive mindset you don’t allow negative thoughts to consume you; instead you embrace and appreciate every day as it comes. Less anxiety, apprehension, and fear means that you will live a healthier life overall.
This week’s positive message:
Eliminate harmful conversations
Every single one of us has engaged in conversations that we know we have no business being a part of. You know the ones that entertain gossip, malice, slander, or are just plain mean. Destructive conversation also occurs when we allow people to speak to us in a negative, critical, or damaging way. On the flip side though, it doesn’t necessarily have to be you on the receiving end of harmful dialogue; you could be the one that is speaking to others in a demeaning, offensive, or petty manner. Often times, we create our own storms unnecessarily simply by engaging or initiating negative conversations.
As Christians we have a guide that prevents us from participating in conversations that do not promote good intentions; and that Guide is the Holy Spirit. There should be no excuse for you to be entertaining or initiating words spoken that do not uplift or encourage someone else. Words can be painful and sometimes we don’t even realize the weight that they carry. You can radiate love or you can radiate hate, the choice is always yours. Make sure that you choose wisely!
One of the main things to keep in the back of your mind is that you will reap what you sow, Galatians 6:7. There is no getting around that Biblical Law. Don’t give the enemy any place in your life to create chaos. We often underestimate the fact that our tongues are one of the weapons of choice that he likes to use against us. He will take what you say and design an open doorway to give him the legal right to wreak havoc. That is why it is so critical that we pay attention to the words that we speak and the words that we allow others to speak to us.

Gossiping and slanderous conversation:
When someone comes at you with the latest gossip about so and so, just walk away. It is not worth you allowing that harmful conversation into your spirit. Whether you believe it or not, those mannerisms will begin to trickle right onto you and you won’t even recognize it when it happens. Before you know it, you will be the number one gossiper in the office that everyone makes it a point to be aware of.
Ask yourself this question: “Why is this person so comfortable coming to me with gossip in the first place?” If you are living your life in a respectable way, you should be the last person anybody would want to come to with malicious conversation. Put an end to it as soon as it begins and you best believe; the next time someone wants to spread rumors, your name will not come to mind when they are thinking about whom to share them with.

Negative and critical conversation:
One thing is for certain, we can’t do much about things that are outside of our control. For instance, if you have a partner that loves to speak to you in a negative and critical way, you cannot control that person’s mouth. What you do have a say so in is whether or not you allow it to continue. You can only take harmful conversation for so long before it begins to have long lasting effects to your overall well-being.
One of the mistakes that we often make is thinking that the critical language will change. You have to remember that you set the precedence for the relationship or friendship right at the beginning. If you allowed this person to speak to you in a hurtful way and didn’t put an end to it right when it started, he or she will think it’s ok. It has to be nipped in the bud the moment it happens. Set the standards of how you let other people treat you and don’t make any exceptions!

Offensive and petty conversation:
If we kept it 100 with ourselves we have initiated offensive and petty communication on more than one occasion in our lives. We have all experienced situations where that one person says that one thing to us so out of line that it causes us to get completely out of character. It happens to the best of us. But what if you are the kind of person that always has a sharp tongue; you never have anything nice to say to anyone including your friends and family? That type of conversation will catch up with you. What you dish out is what you will receive.
One of the craziest things is that we wonder why our children are disobedient, rude, and disrespectful but we talk to them in the most horrible ways. They are a representation of us, good or bad. Children are like a sponge soaking up everything that they see and hear; and they will regurgitate exactly what they digest. Don’t find it strange when your kids act out because you didn’t set the proper standards at home. The Word of God makes it clear in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Use this week to play close attention to the conversations that you are engaging in and initiating. There is power in the words that you speak and the words that others communicate to you. Our tongues can literally become a weapon if we are not careful. Choose to be the kind of person that promotes positivity and love all day every day!
If you missed prior positive messages, no worries I am linking them here!
Positive thinking-August 22, 2022
Positive thinking-August 1, 2022
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