April 29, 2023 (Updated)
The Power of your Testimony!

So what exactly is a testimony? Your personal testimony is something that you share with others about the amazing things that God has done in your life and how he has changed you. It is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to help others see the Lord’s incredible love. Your witness is authentic and tangible because those around you can actually see how you have transformed.
As you begin to live your life for Christ you will find yourself naturally modifying the things that don’t line up with the Word of God. The people that knew you before you were saved will see the difference in you and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is because of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Word of God tells us in Revelation 12:11“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”
In other words, one of our greatest weapons that we can use against Satan and his kingdom is our testimony. When you testify to those around you about where you were in life before the Lord saved you from death, hell, and destruction; it is an incredible thing! The enemy cannot stand when you praise the Lord Jesus Christ and reveal how powerful He really is!
Another reason your testimony is so significant is because of the impact that it has on people. They can debate their views on scripture or what is the right or wrong way to do things when it pertains to living for God. One thing that cannot be disputed is your personal testimony. That is why it is so essential to share what the Lord has done in your life so that others can see just how Loving and restorative He truly is!
The best way to do that is to just keep it 100% without holding anything back no matter how crazy or wild you might think your testimony might be. Trust me, people are moved by how radical God is and how Mightily He can move in a person’s life!
Below are some reasons why sharing your testimony is so significant:
1. It is a tool that can help you witness to others:
What better way to witness to other people than to tell them your story of how you came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s intimate and special and most of all it is completely genuine. The reason why it is imperative to give your testament as raw and honest as you possibly can is because it demonstrates the Power of God.
Only the Lord has the ability to take a broken, bitter, angry, and damaged person and completely transform them into a new creation. You are a walking testimony of how much the Lord loves each and every one of us no matter what we have done or where we have been! Don’t be afraid to share it!
The person that you are sharing your story with could be going through the very same thing that you went through and doesn’t have hope. They feel like they’ve done too much for the Lord to ever love them. Or, the Lord couldn’t possibly use them because of their lifestyle. That is so far from the truth! The Lord can use even the most compromised and damaged person transform them, renew their mind, and use them for His glory!
You cannot keep your testimony to yourself that is not why the Lord saved you. He delivered you, saved you, and washed you clean so that you can reach others for Him. We are His vessels here on Earth. Every Christian will have people coming into their lives that the Lord ordained. The question is: when you come across those people are you going to tell them about the amazing God that you serve, or are you going to stay silent? The choice is always yours!
2. It gives others hope:
When you explain to others how much you have been transformed from what you used to be, it gives them hope. For instance, my personal testimony includes the fact that I was on the verge of becoming an alcoholic and death was right around the corner but God intervened in a mighty way. When I share with others what the Lord has done in my life and how I was drastically changed, it substantiates How Powerful He is!
When you share your story with no filter, it makes it personal to the person that you are sharing it with. They can see the authenticity in your testimony and it will give them hope that they can overcome whatever trial and tribulation that they are going through. The enemy will make you think that you are too bound for the Lord to reach you. The devil is a liar!
God has the ability to break the chains of even the darkest strongholds and I am living proof that it can definitely be done. There was a time in my life that I was so demonically oppressed I didn’t know if there was any hope for me to get out of the hole that I was in. I called on the Name of the Lord and He came; He saved me, restored me, and taught me how to fight the enemy back.
If He can do it for me He can do it for you, God shows no partiality, Acts 10:34. You want to make sure that you are living your life as a representation of Christ to your best ability. Remember there is always someone that is watching and you might be the only image of what it looks like to live for Jesus that they will ever see.
3. It is a reminder of how far you have come:
In those moments when you are sharing your testimony with others, it gives you the ability to reflect. We tend to become complacent with just living our lives day to day forgetting how on fire for God we once were. You never want to allow yourself to become a lukewarm Christian, Revelation 3:16. Your walk with Christ should progress and you should fall more and more in love with Him as time goes on.
Our busy schedules can sometimes get in the way of our intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ but we have to find a way to make time for Him no matter what! Proclaiming your personal story is a reminder of how much the Lord loves you, cherishes you, and wants nothing more than to have a personal relationship with you daily. His love is like no other love and could never be replaced!
When you think back to all the times that you should’ve been dead, but God intervened. Or, you should’ve been on the path to hell and eternal separation from God, but He saved you and completely changed you. You can’t help but to praise Him and give Him all of the honor and glory that He deserves. We can never repay the Lord for sending His son to die on the cross for our sins but what we can do is share our testimony of how amazing He is!
Share your story as much as you can and as often as you can. One thing that you don’t want to do is water it down because that takes away the rawness of your testimony. I remember when I first started sharing my experiences with others, I was hesitant to go into detail about the things that I went through because they were spiritual. The Lord quickly corrected me and made it clear to me that I was to keep it raw and undiluted.
How was I going to help others with my testimony if it was missing significant pieces? Even though other people may not completely understand your story, tell it! You don’t know who the Lord will place in your pathway that needs to hear what you have to say. Never underestimate the power of your testimony, it might just be the one thing that will bring someone to want to know Jesus Christ!
Often times, we underestimate our testimonies. We feel like they are too personal to share with others or we are too embarrassed. This is one of the biggest schemes that the devil uses on Christians over and over again. He makes you feel like your testimony is too “out there” for anyone to believe. The exact opposite is the truth. People that don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ need to see His power, love, and grace through your story.
Keep your testimony 100 % undiluted because that is what will show others what the Lord can do in the life of those that call on Him. When someone is bound, demonically oppressed, or in complete disbelief that God exists; they need your power filled testimony to give them hope that there is another way out. The Lord saved you so that you can turn around and save as many people that you can. The question is: are you willing to be the Lord’s mouthpiece here on Earth?
Also, don’t forget to check out my other blogs:
Fruit of the Spirit (Self-Control)
Fruit of the Spirit (Gentleness)
The Fruit of the Spirit (Faithfulness)
The Fruit of the Spirit (Goodness)
The Fruit of the Spirit (Kindness)
The Fruit of the Spirit (Longsuffering)
The Fruit of the Spirit (Peace)
The Fruit of the Spirit (Love)
The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 1
The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 2
The Spiritual Laws of God-Restoration
The Spiritual Laws of God-The General Principles
The Spiritual Laws of God-The Power of Your Tongue!
The Spiritual Laws of God-Having an Understanding
If you’ve missed any of the other weekly quotes, no worries I am listing them down below:
Positive Quote for the Week: Accept Your Imperfections
Positive Quote for the Week: Let Your Enemies be Your Motivators
Positive Quote for the Week: Don’t Let Adversity get in your Way
Positive Quote for the Week: Don’t Settle for Less
Positive Quote for the Week: Learn From Your Battles
Positive Quote for the Week: Make every Moment Count
Positive Quote for the Week: Are you Prepared for the Test?
Positive Quote for the Week-Stay Away from Hatred and Malice
Positive Quote for the Week: Diamonds are Formed in Pressure
Positive Quote for the Week: Be Mindful of Your Words
If you’ve missed some of the previous Positive Weekly Messages, no worries I am linking them below:
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right-December 11, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! December 4, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! November 20, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! November 13, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! November 6, 2022