October 7, 2022
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 5

Does everyone deal with Spiritual Warfare?
Whether you are a believer of Jesus Christ or a non-believer you are going to deal with spiritual warfare in one way or another, there really is no way of getting around it. If you stop for a moment and look at your life, the lives of your loved ones, friends, and everyone around you; there is no way that you cannot think that there is a real enemy out there warring for your soul.
He is vicious, he doesn’t play fair, and he will stop at nothing to ensure that your destiny when you leave this Earth is in the lake of fire. The Word of God is our key to understanding the battle that we are facing as well as give us all of the tools needed to guarantee that we come out victorious.
The Book of Ephesians lists out the whole armor of God: belt of Truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes prepared with the Gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, Ephesians 6:10-18. We need to understand how to use every piece of armor effectively which will prevent any cracks for the devil to make his way in.
I had to learn the hard way that there is a devil, he is very real, and he doesn’t care how much torment he puts you through. There is not one person in this world that can tell me that the kingdom of darkness doesn’t exist. I had to fight my way out of the demonic hole that the enemy and his demons had me in for years. They tortured me mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally and I almost didn’t make it out alive. That is why when I talk about spiritual warfare, I am speaking from experience.
The Lord showed me how to fight the devil back one on one with my double-edged Sword and that is exactly what I did. The Bible isn’t just a book that you let collect dust on a shelf; it is Powerful and can break the chains of the strongest demonic shackles that the devil will every try to bind you with. If the Lord set me free, He can do it for you too but you have to be willing to get into your Word, understand it, and apply it. I have listed some powerful warfare scriptures below that you can meditate on. Start storing up your arsenal of Scriptures and have them ready to fight back when the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, John 10:10!

John 8:36
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”
A little background on the verses leading up to this scripture, Jesus is teaching to the multitudes that are around Him explaining to them how to get set free from sin. John 8:31-32 explains, “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” What He was trying to convey to the Jews that were actually listening to what He was saying is that the True Word of God is what is going to make you free if they applied it to their lives.
Their response to what He was saying was; how could that be true and why would they need to be “set free” if they weren’t bound to begin with, John 8:33? They thought because they were the seed of Abraham it would exempt them from being slaves to sin. How familiar does this sound? This is one of the schemes of the devil that he loves to use over and over again on Christians. The mistake that most of us make is not admitting that we have a problem to begin with. So, we sweep it under the rug as if that’s going to make it go away.
Another powerful weapon that the devil uses on Christians is making us think that just because we label ourselves as Christians it automatically means that we can live how we want to and just ask for forgiveness later. The devil is a liar and the father of lies! It is one thing to make mistakes when trying to live for the Lord because the fact is we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23, but it’s another thing to willfully sin over and over again with no true repentance.
The Lord clarifies just how He feels about sin and what happens to those that make a practice of intentionally sinning. He states in John 8:34, “Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.” We can conclude in this verse of Scripture that He is warning those that sin what the repercussions are, complete dependence to their iniquity. In our own might there is no way that we would be able to triumph over our demonic strong holds, it takes a power beyond our own to break it.
Then we come to John 8:36 where Jesus states, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” Christ Jesus, the Son of the living God is the only one that is able to set us “free indeed” when He died for us on the cross at Calvary it broke the power that Satan had over us; the power of sin and death, Romans, 8:2. There are stipulations in order for us to live a life free from the bondages that the devil and the powers of darkness attempt to have us in.
We have to abide in His Word, John 8:31; meaning adhering to what the Word of God is telling us in regards to how we should live our everyday lives. The Bible is our double-edged Sword, Hebrews 4:12. It can slash through the wicked plots, spiritual attacks, and flaming arrows that the devil tries to throw in our direction. That is why it is so important that we get into our Word and stay in it, daily.
When we do that, we gain all the knowledge that we need to overcome the strategies of our adversary. It is laid out for us but we have to be responsible enough to read the Bible on our own studying to show ourselves approved, 2 Timothy 2:15. You cannot leave it up to your pastor, your family member, your spouse, or anyone else for that matter because the Lord is expecting you to understand what the undiluted Gospel of Jesus Christ is telling you regarding your life.

John 16:13
“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.”
The book of John was written by John himself and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Prior to this verse of Scripture, Jesus is speaking to His disciples about going away and leaving to be with God the Father, John 16:5. He is letting them know that it is to their advantage that He goes back to His Father otherwise they would not receive the Helper, John 16:7. That word Helper is extremely telling, it means One who leads into deeper knowledge of the Gospel of Truth and gives divine strength needed to face trials and persecutions on behalf of the divine kingdom. That is not all!
Jesus then goes on to say that the Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, John 16:8. To say that the Spirit of the Lord is a key component in our walk with the Lord is an understatement. He is one of our most powerful weapons of our warfare against the spiritual forces of evil and the flaming arrows that they try to use against us. John calls Him the Spirit of truth, but what truth is he referring to?
The Truth that this verse of Scripture is referencing is the Word of God which is the knowledge of God, the Sword of the Spirit. This fact is critical when it comes to spiritual warfare because it is the Holy Spirit that will prevent you from heading in the wrong direction that can lead to open doorways that will let the enemy come into your life. He discloses the devil’s devices, gives you Power to speak God’s Truth with boldness, and so much more!
He is your offensive weapon and defensive weapon as you engage in this spiritual battle against the powers of your adversary, the devil. That is why it is significantly important that you spend time with the Holy Spirit praying in your Heavenly language building up your spirit man. This will keep you connected to Him so that He can help you fulfill your purpose as a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Another way that the Spirit of the Lord works in your life is by giving you discernment when something isn’t right that you can’t see for yourself.
For instance: There may be someone new coming into your life that you really don’t know a lot about. Their intentions for you are not good but evil; however you can’t discern that for yourself because of how charming or sweet that they may seem to be. However, the Holy Spirit can see right through them because He can distinguish the wicked motives that you aren’t able to see. He will give you that check in your spirit every time that person comes around you letting you know that something about them just isn’t right.
Another example: I had given my mother a necklace for her birthday not thinking twice about it because it was a beautiful cross. What harm can come from that, right? Surely a cross has to have come from a Christian company. Or so I thought! The Holy Spirit kept bringing that cross to my attention so much so that I couldn’t shake it off. He had me look into the company that I purchased the cross from and sure enough it was made by a non-Christian business that believed in healing powers other than the healing power of Jesus Christ! Needless to say, she got rid of it.
Had I not had the Holy Spirit to warn me of that piece of jewelry who knows what could have happened. We have to be so careful because the devil comes as an angel of light, 2 Corinthians 11:14. He is very sneaky and will find any door that he can open to make his way into your life to wreak havoc! That is why the Spirit of the Living God is vital in the Warfare that we face daily. We have to learn how to listen to that still small voice, 1 Kings 19:12. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, a Gift sent to guide us into all Truth so that we don’t fall victim to the schemes of the devil.

2 Timothy 1:7
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
The Apostle Paul is writing a letter to Timothy, whom he calls his beloved son, 2 Timothy 1:2. He is giving him encouragement regarding his walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is reminding him of the genuine faith that he saw in him; the same faith that his grandmother and mother had, 2 Timothy 1:6. Paul also calls to his attention the fact that “…God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind,” 2Timothy 1:7. When a spirit of fear is gripping you, it definitely is not of the Lord.
One of the greatest weapons that the devil likes to use against us is fear. It is what keeps a lot of us in strong holds that the enemy has us placed in, it prevents us from speaking the Word of God with boldness, and it is what opens the doors for other negative emotions to begin to cause chaos in our lives. Any time that you see someone that has an extreme amount of fear in some area, you can best believe they also suffer from some sort of anxiety, depression, doubt, and a whole list of other adverse feelings that the devil enjoys using against us.
So how do you combat the spirit of fear? You have to get into the Word of God and allow it to renew your mind. When you can get the Holy Scriptures embedded in your heart and mind, that spirit of fear will have to flee. Proclaim the Lord’s Word to combat your fear, worry, anxiety, depression, doubt, anger, or any other negative emotion that the enemy is using against you and watch how your mindset will begin to change!
The devil wants to get us to worry about things going on in our lives, but the Bible says be anxious for nothing but pray about everything, Philippians 4:6. The Lord tells us not to fear because He is with us and will strengthen us, Isaiah 41:10. He reassures us that even in the darkest valleys in the midst of the powers of darkness He is right there with us, Psalm 23:4. He guarantees that He is our refuge and strength and help in times of trouble, Psalm 46:1-3. He lets us know in Isaiah 41:13, “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.”
There are so many places in the Lord’s Word that gives us reasons why we should not fear. That is the reason that the devil fights you so much when you take the time out to genuinely get into your Bible to understand and apply it. He knows how powerful God’s Words are, it isn’t called our double-edged Sword for no reason. What he wants to do is get you to come into agreement with those negative thoughts that he is planting in your mind so that he can gain legal access into your life.
We cannot give the enemy a foothold meaning that we can’t give him a “place” or “room” to enter into our lives and cause turmoil. We have to remain fully suited in the Full Armor of God that the Lord has given every one of us. When we do and we utilize every piece of armor like we’re supposed to, it makes it so difficult for the devil and his vast army to penetrate it.
Meditate on these verses and apply them to your life so that you can have Spiritual weapons stored up in your memory bank that the Holy Spirit can pull out and bring to your remembrance when you need them. We have to learn how to walk in the authority the Lord Jesus Christ died for us to have, the devil is walking around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour, 1 Peter 5:8, don’t let that person be you!
I am linking other blogs pertaining to this topic below:
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 1
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 2
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 3
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 4
The Importance of Forgiveness!
What does it mean to walk by Faith and not by Sight?
7 Steps to Fighting Spiritual Oppression-Real Talk!
Why Is the Cross of Christ so Significant?
Also, get your week started right! Check out my Positive Weekly Message Series down below:
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! September 24, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! September 19, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! September 12, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! September 6, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! August 28, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! August 22.2022