February 10, 2023
Guarding Your Ear Gates-Part 2

How do you protect your ear gates?
The number one way that you are going to be able to keep your ear gates fully protected is by keeping your ears as pure as you can. Pay attention to the things that you are listening to. There is no way that you are going to keep your ears from being penetrated by the enemy if all you are listening to are things that are contrary to the Word of God.
The fact of the matter is the more that you allow those types of things into your ears, the more that they will have an influence on your life. It is one of the quickest ways that your ear gates become compromised allowing the enemy to begin to gain power over the way that you think.
He knows that that the battle is and always will be in your own mind and will use the things of the world to try to distract you from God’s perfect will for your life. God’s Word states in Proverbs 18:15, “The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”
Here we can see that the Lord is plainly telling us that those that are truly seeking wisdom will seek His knowledge. The knowledge that He is referencing is His Word. The more time that you spend in your Word the harder it will be for the enemy to have an impact on your mind.
As Christians it is our responsibility to protect our temple (body). We can never forget the fact that we were all bought at a tremendous price, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. We don’t want to allow anything foul to come in and defile it. If you are not shielding your ears from listening to things that are going to corrupt your heart, the enemy will take full advantage of your lack of protection.
That is why there are so many Bible verses that talk about “having ears to hear” in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. He is making it known to us just how significant hearing the Word of God truly is. The Bible is what is going to ensure that you have and keep a renewed mind, Romans 12:2. The more that you digest the Scriptures, the more likely they will remain stored in your memory bank.
The Holy Spirit will bring God’s Word to your remembrance when you are deviating off course or need them to combat the arrows thrown by the enemy, John 14:26. However, the only way that He can do that is if you have Scriptures stored up in your memory that He can actually pull from. Never take the Word of God for granted, it is POWERFUL and it is your number one spiritual weapon against all the schemes of the devil.
I am going to highlight two ways that the enemy penetrates our ear gates:
False Doctrine
It is extremely dangerous to sit under a Pastor that is not preaching the undiluted Word of God. Not only will it confuse you but you run the risk of listening to doctrines of demons. Remember the devil is extremely crafty and will slither his way into churches in the hopes that he can get Christians to believe something other than the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul describes it perfectly in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 when he writes, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”
Here we can see that Paul is letting us know that if we deviate from sound doctrine because we want to maintain our own desires or have our ears tickled, it can lead us down a path away from God. The sermons that you are given shouldn’t always be feel good messages with no conviction and no repentance. God is the God of absolute love but He is also the God of righteousness and justice, Psalm 89:14.
The only way that you are going to know if what you are listening to is the pure Word of the Lord is if you read the Bible for yourself. God lets us know that we are to study to show ourselves approved. Why? We have to study so that we can rightly divide the difference between Sound Doctrine and false doctrine, 2 Timothy 2:15. As believers of Jesus Christ we cannot afford to allow false doctrine into our ear gates where it can cause real damage.
If you are a Christian then you have the gift of the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you. He is the Author (2 Timothy 3:16) and the Interpreter (2 Peter 1:20-21) of every word that is found in the entirety of the Bible. He is your Helper and is the One that is going to help you understand the passages found in Scripture. If you need clarity on anything written, all you have to do is ask and He will give it to you. That way you can recognize false doctrine when it is being preached from behind the pulpit.
One thing that you need to look out for if you are attending a Church for the first time is if you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit when you enter the building. His Spirit is overwhelmingly present in Churches that are preaching the complete Word of our Lord Jesus Christ. You have to remain vigilant because there are many false prophets that come in sheep’s clothing trying to lead God’s people astray, Matthew 7:15. So we have to be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves, Matthew 10:16.
Negative Speaking
It is vital that you protect your spiritual barriers inside your ears from being penetrated with negativity. As Christians we need to understand that life is completely spiritual and when you allow consistent negativity to infiltrate your ears it will travel its way into your mind and marinate in your heart. It will have an effect on your spiritual health in one way or another.
Death and life is in the power of your tongue (Proverbs 18:21) and so if all that you hear is discouragement, cruelty, unkindness, anger, and hostility that is what you will project. Never underestimate the power of your tongue. Whether you realize it or not, that negative speaking is entering into your ear gates and forming adverse emotions that can become strongholds if you’re not careful.
I have some articles that cover the power of your tongue: The Power of Your Tongue, The Spiritual Laws of God-The Power of Your Tongue!, and Proverb Scriptures that will Help You Tame Your Tongue!
One of the tactics of the devil that he uses on Christians over and over again is distraction. If he can get your mind cluttered with hostile communication, then it makes it difficult to hear God’s voice. You never want to let anything or anyone muddle your communication with our Heavenly Father. When your connection isn’t clear it’s almost impossible to hear God’s direction for your life, God’s conviction, or God’s warning when the enemy is coming near.
A great Scripture that you can meditate on is Matthew 13:16, “But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear.” Jesus was speaking to His disciples explaining to them that their ability to have eyes to see who He was and ears to hear and obey His Words, meant that they were blessed. The same promise applies to us today.
Another thing that you can do to make sure that you are protecting your ears from negativity is to re-evaluate your inner circle from time to time. The fact of the matter is that you are who you associate yourself with. If you are surrounding yourself with people that are speaking profanity, gossiping, lying, expressing words to you that are demeaning or condescending, it will have an impact on you if you are around it long enough.
Before you know it, you will see yourself developing their negative characteristics and not even realize it. That is why the Lord’s Word tells us in Proverbs 22:25 “Lest you learn his ways And set a snare for your soul.” In other words you can literally set a trap for your own soul’s demise by learning the harmful behaviors of others. Proverbs is one of those powerful books in the Bible that is completely saturated with words of wisdom.
I have some articles that cover the book of Proverbs that you can read over: Proverb Scriptures that will Help You Tame Your Tongue!, Proverbs Scriptures Designed for a Queen!, and Proverbs Scriptures that you need in your life Right Now!
One final thing I wanted to mention about negative speaking is in regards to children. I cannot express to you how detrimental adverse communication directed towards children is. When hostile words are penetrating their little ears, it can have an effect on them for life. Remember death and life is in the power of your tongue (Proverbs 18:21) so when you speak out damaging words over them you are actually professing word curses over their lives and don’t even realize it.
For example saying things like:
- “You’re such a bad child and you always will be!”
- “Your behavior is going to put you in jail just like your daddy!”
- “You’re never going to amount to anything if you keep acting the way that you are!”
These are just some of the examples of toxic things that can be said to children that enter into the barriers in their ears and cause some real damage. Parents often wonder why their kids aren’t excelling or changing their behaviors and it’s because of the word curses that they continue to proclaim over their lives.
If you have a child that isn’t thriving or is exhibiting bad behavior, begin to proclaim the Word of God over them. Remember, the Lord’s Word is your double-edged Sword and has the ability to break the chains of darkness that are attempting to dominate your child’s life. Life is spiritual, fight the enemy back in the spirit realm by using the weaponry that the Lord has given to you.
It is essential that we protect our ear and eye gates at all times. False Doctrine is one of the main ways that Christians get led astray from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and negativity is like a rash that spreads at a rapid rate. If you are around it long enough you are bound to become infected. Both are harmful to your spiritual growth and your walk as a believer of Jesus Christ.
The enemy is a serpent and will attempt to slither his way into your life by any means necessary. Unfortunately because a lot of people don’t understand his craftiness and the devices that he possesses, he is able to invade our lives completely unaware.
One of the primary ways that you can ensure that your ear gates remain secure is by staying in the Word of God. The Holy Spirit will give you direction and discernment when something that you are listening to isn’t right. The key is to make sure that you have a relationship with the Lord so that you can hear His voice when He is speaking to you, John 10:27-28.
Also, don’t forget to check out my other blogs pertaining to this topic:
Guarding Your Ear Gates-Part 1
Guarding Your Eye Gates-Part 1
Guarding Your Eye Gates-Part 2
The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 1
The Spiritual Laws of God-Poverty Part 2
The Spiritual Laws of God-Restoration
The Spiritual Laws of God-The General Principles
The Spiritual Laws of God-The Power of Your Tongue!
The Spiritual Laws of God-Having an Understanding
Proverb Scriptures that will Help You Tame Your Tongue!
If you’ve missed any of the other weekly quotes, no worries I am listing them down below:
Positive Quote for the Week: Overcome, Outshine, and Conquer!
Positive Quote for the Week: Don’t Underestimate Your Strength
Positive Quote for the Week: Be Strong and Courageous
Positive Quote for the Week: Know Your Worth!
Positive Quote for the Week: Learn to Forgive
Positive Quote for the Week: Silent Love
Positive Quote for the Week: Don’t Settle
Positive Quote for the Week: Let Go!
If you’ve missed some of the previous Positive Weekly Messages, no worries I am linking them below:
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right-December 11, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! December 4, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! November 20, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! November 13, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! November 6, 2022