October 21, 2022
Spiritual Oppression: The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy-Part 4

What does the Lord mean when He says that the “wages of sin is death,” Romans 6:23?
The Word of God is extremely clear in Romans 6:23 when Paul states, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Every kind of sin regardless of what it is will lead to your destruction and the devil and his evil spirits know it. They are just waiting for a moment for you to slip up and give them legal access into your life. They cannot just come in and invade your space; they have to have a door opened up to let them in so they can cause chaos.
The Lord gives us a very strong warning against breaking His laws and engaging in any kind of wickedness or sin. Psalm 94:20 states, “Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, Have fellowship with You?” In other words He is stating that the devil and his kingdom which forms their mischief by law should have absolutely no fellowship with us as believers of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we fail to abide by this strict principle as well as the others that the Lord gives us in his Word, we begin to find ourselves bombarded with physical, mental, spiritual and emotional problems due to demonic attacks.
The Apostle Paul explains to us in Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Satan and the forces of darkness have a very structured military like kingdom that they establish their demonic activity from. There are several different levels of these evil spiritual forces. Mark 9:29 details, “So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting,” and in Matthew 17:21 he states, “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” These two passages of Scripture is referring to Jesus explaining to His disciples after they could not cast out a certain demon out of a boy that was an epileptic, that this “kind” cannot come out without prayer and fasting. He is clearly articulating in these two passages that it was a different level of demon that they were dealing with.
The Lord gives us the Holy Scriptures so that we can protect ourselves against the schemes of the enemy. We are not to be ignorant of his devices, 2 Corinthians 2:11, or destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6. The problem is that a lot of Christians do not read their Bible, they don’t have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father, and they don’t fast, or pray. They rely on their Pastor to give them a message on a Sunday or Wednesday and then call that being educated in the Lord’s Word.
The devil is coming to steal, kill, and destroy, John 10:10. He doesn’t play fair and will use every tool that he can to ensure that your destiny when you leave this Earth is the lake of fire. The demonic realm is extremely organized and persistent and they are just waiting for the instant that you give them the legal right to walk into the door that you open up for them. That is why God tells us in Psalm 1:2 “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.”
Why is this verse significant? When we study the Scriptures for ourselves to show ourselves approved, 2 Timothy 2:15, we can rightly divide His Word including having a clear understanding of His laws, principles, rules, and regulations. We can prevent the spiritual attacks from the devil and his wicked kingdom. This is a spiritual battle and they have powerful methods and potent tools that they use to establish demonic strongholds in our lives.
The more wicked your sinful action is that you are involved in, the more wicked the demon that you are inviting into your life will be. I know firsthand how evil these demonic spirits can be, I had to face them for many years of my life due to all of the doors that I opened up ignorantly. I had no knowledge of the spiritual realm or spiritual things but boy did I find out the hard way! I am going to go into detail about some of the most dangerous, deadly, and wicked open doors that you can open knowingly or unknowingly that can make your life a living nightmare. Trust me I know!

Open doors through the Occult and Occult practices:
What is the Occult?
Secret practices and knowledge pertaining to the supernatural realm and all things supernatural used for personal gain, financial wealth, control, and power. Make no mistake about it; this is one of the most powerful tools that the devil uses to put people in demonic bondage where they become victims of heavy demonic oppression. We are spiritual beings and because of that reason we all have a desire and interest when it comes to spirituality. The Lord wants for us to connect with Him on a spiritual level through the Holy Spirit, but what happens with most people is that they don’t want to have a relationship with Jesus. So, that spiritual void that can only be filled by the Lord will remain empty.
So what does Satan do? He will come to you as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) with the hopes that he can persuade you into believing that a spiritual encounter through demonic occult practices is what you need to fill your spiritual void. Unfortunately a lot of people including many Christians fall for these schemes. Before you know it, he has you so chained and shackled up that it will be extremely difficult to break free.
I had to fight some powerful demonic forces that tortured me mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally for years. I fell victim to the demons that enticed me to open many doors that were really hard to shut. That is why I am writing this information and spreading awareness to as many people as I can to prevent others from falling for the same traps that the enemy ensnared me in! I am going to list some of the occult practices that will cause you to come under strong demonic oppression that can be very difficult to break.
Also if you haven’t read my previous blogs on this topic: Spiritual Oppression-The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. They will give you an insight on different ways that the enemy will try to keep you bound.

Interacting in any way with Psychics, Mediums, Fortunetellers, or fortune telling (crystal ball gazing and palm reading)
The Word of God tells us in Leviticus 20:6 “And the person who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from his people.”
Breaking down this verse of scripture we can see that the Lord is very adamant about how wrong it is to speak to mediums, psychics, fortune tellers or anyone that communicates with familiar spirits. He goes on to say that a person that engages in these practices will in a sense prostitute themselves. That word prostitute is the word zana in Hebrew meaning to commit adultery or commit idolatry. The reason why this is important to understand is because as Christians we are to seek God and God alone for the answers or questions that we may have regarding our lives. Seeking another god through mediums or fortunetellers is where we can get ourselves into a lot of trouble.
The Lord makes it clear in Exodus 34:14 “(for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God).” This is not a request, He commands us not to put anything or anyone else in front of Him. When someone goes to a psychic, medium, fortuneteller, etc. for answers we are telling the Lord that He is not the source that provides us with everything that we need. As Christians He should be the only One that you go to for answers.
I had to learn this the hard way! The first door that I opened up to demonic influence and demonic spirits which thrust my life into a downward spiral was talking to psychics. I didn’t see any harm in them; in fact I wanted to develop the skills that they had so that I could “help” others heal from the loss of loved ones. That is one of Satan’s open doors that he uses against people time and time again. He will lure you in by making you think that it is a positive thing.
He will show up as an angel of light, 2 Corinthians 11:14, making it seem like the mediums or psychics are speaking to your dead relatives when in actuality they are speaking to “familiar spirits” or demons that are feeding them the information to give to you. They will be so accurate and on point that you will think for sure this is my loved one that is speaking to them. Don’t fall for it! It is an open door to spiritual oppression that can be very hard to shut.
We are to seek council and guidance from the Lord and the Lord alone. It is not worth taking these other routes to try to receive answers, seek our deceased relatives, or whatever else you’re going to these mediums or psychics for. It is a very dangerous path to take and can open the door to some really powerful demons that without the help of Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit; you will not be able to get rid of.

Reiki Meditation & Transcendental Meditation & any other Meditation that does not involve Meditating on the Lord and His Word
Joshua 1:8 states, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
In other words the Lord is letting us know that it is to our benefit that we meditate on His Word day and night. That way, God’s Word becomes engrained in our hearts and minds allowing us to know when we are in disobedience to His Biblical principles. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth, John 16:13, warning you when you go astray. The fact of the matter is when we disobey God’s Biblical rules and regulations; it leaves us vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. They will entice you, tempt you, and even use the people around you to get you to give them a legal right to wreak havoc in your life.
So what exactly is Reiki Meditation?
Reiki is a meditative practice that has its roots in ancient Chinese and Japanese medicine. Sounds innocent enough right? So far from the truth, the word Reiki literally means “Universal Life Force Energy” which has nothing to do with God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit. The way that it lures you in is it seems innocent and harmless and is actually promoted as a way to help you “support your body’s natural healing abilities.”
Remember, Satan comes to you as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) bringing you any alternative other than Jesus to try to get you to give him legal access to cause chaos and destruction in your life! When I first heard about Reiki, it was told to me by someone that I worked with that made it sound like it was so calming, soothing, and stress relieving that I just had to try it.
Me: being unsaved, uneducated in the things of God, and not knowing any of the Spiritual laws that the Lord provides us with, I fell right into that trap. This was the second door that I opened up ignorantly giving the enemy access into my life. The Word of God is clear when He states that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6. Unfortunately I was going to gain the understanding of exactly what that meant.
I got me some books on how to practice Reiki meditation and began to meditate as often as I could. This kind of meditation is extremely dangerous as it advises you to open up your chakras, or energy points in your body, which is a wide open door for demons to torture and terrorize you and that is exactly what they did to me. The more that I meditated on opening up these chakra portals, the more demonically oppressed I became.
I can’t tell you enough how much of a literal nightmare that I was in getting tormented by these demonic forces and every type of evil spirit that you could think of, daily. I began to sense them and hear them just as clear as if I was speaking to a person right in front of me. These were real experiences that I was having, but there was no one that I could call on for help. They were terrorizing me day and night with no end in sight, but God!
The little bit of knowledge that I had learned about Jesus Christ at one time in my life allowed me to know that He was the only One that could help me out of this demonic hole that I was in. I needed to be set free from the demonic strongholds that had me completely bound. I called on Jesus’ Name and He came, through the guiding of the Holy Spirit I learned how to fight the devil back one on one with my double-edged Sword and that is what I did!
The devil almost took me out! I suffered this torment for almost 4 years; mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Had it not been for the grace of God and the divine power in the Name of Jesus Christ helping me win the spiritual battle that I was in, I wouldn’t be alive today to tell share my testimony. So, when I tell you how dangerous these practices are and the dangerous demonic doors that they lead to, I am speaking from experience.
My mission is to warn as many people as I can to prevent them from going through the same pain and misery that I suffered silently. There wasn’t anyone around me equipped to handle the spiritual battle that I was facing. It was one of the most traumatic experiences that I’ve ever had to go through to say the least. It is so important to know the entry points that the enemy uses so that you don’t become one of the victims of demonic oppression.
What is transcendental meditation?
This is a form of silent mantra meditation that claims to promote a state of relaxed awareness as well as access a higher state of consciousness. The word mantra means to make an utterance and or sound believed to have magical or spiritual powers. Any time that you are attempting to reach some form of spiritual knowledge or enlightenment other than the spiritual knowledge led by the Holy Spirit which will point to the Word of God, you are going to find yourself in a very dangerous situation.
A lot of times people will engage in these meditative practices ignorantly not realizing that they are opening up doors to very powerful demons. There is a constant spiritual battle for your soul, the Kingdom of God versus the kingdom of the devil. The enemy is very sneaky and will use these devices to lure you in because you think it is something harmless. How can meditation lead to demonic oppression? The Word of God is explicitly clear; we must meditate on His Word day and night, Psalm 1:2.
The Lord gives us His Word so that we don’t fall victim to demonic attacks, but a lot of us do not take the time to read it, learn it, and apply it. As the Lord was teaching me how to gain my life back out of the devil’s hands, He began to train me in spiritual warfare. I had to learn about the enemy that I was being tormented by. Like a lot of people, I thought that Satan was just a made up figment of someone’s imagination. Not so, he is very real and is here to steal, kill, and destroy you in any way that he can, and he will, John 10:10!

Accursed objects: tarot cards, Ouija boards, voodoo dolls, Healing Crystals, angel cards, sage
The Word of God is descriptive in Deuteronomy 7:25-26 when Moses writes, “You shall burn the carved images of their gods with fire; you shall not covet the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be snared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing.”
The Lord is giving us a warning through Moses that we are not to bring accursed items into our homes but instead should detest them or we will bring an abomination or atrocity into our dwelling place. These certain items that I listed above are particularly wicked and will most definitely invite unclean spirits into your home. How does that happen? When you have items that are accursed or dedicated things which are items that are used for the kingdom of darkness, it gives the demons a legal right to be in your space.
Once they have invaded, they will attempt to cause destruction in any area of your life that they possibly can. There will be no peace in your home, your children will have nightmares, you and your spouse will fight for no apparent reason, and so many other ways that these demonic entities can ruin a person’s life. That is why the Lord’s Word is giving us these warnings when Moses states, “…lest you be doomed to destruction…” It is because that is exactly what happens.
Our Heavenly Father has equipped us with all of the powerful spiritual warfare strategies that we need to overcome the already defeated foe. The problem is none of us take the time to study to show ourselves approved, 2 Timothy 2:15. That is what causes us to get caught in the web of the enemy that is not so easy to get out of.
If you feel like you have any accursed items in your home that you may not be aware of due to lack of knowledge, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal them to you. I had to get rid of so many different things in my home when I was going through that extremely dark period in my life. The Lord revealed them all to me and I was willing to do what it took to get completely set free from the demonic chains and shackles that I was in.
Also, be mindful of what your children are bringing into the home. The enemy does not play fair and will find a way to bring things into your house through your loved ones without you being aware. You need to shut every single door that you have opened knowingly or unknowingly that will give the enemy legal access into your life. He roams around like a lion seeking someone to devour, 1 Peter 5:8.
So what can you do if you’ve opened up any of these dangerous doors to the devil? First thing you want to do is make sure that Jesus Christ is you Lord and Savior, Romans 10:9-10. You cannot fight these demonic attacks on your own it is impossible. Next you will want to repent for everything that you did to disobey the Lord’s Biblical principles that He commands us to abide by. Renounce your association with any occult practices and mean it from your heart. Finally you really need to get yourself saturated in the Word of God; it is literally your double-edged Sword.
Consume it day and night, study it, learn the Lord’s rules and regulations regarding how you should live your Christian life, and apply them. Let the Holy Spirit be your Guide, He is your Helper and He will show you what needs to be done regarding your situation. It took me more almost 4 years to get set free from the demonic oppression that I was in but I am completely free! If He did it for me, He can do it for you too, don’t ever give up!
I am linking other blogs pertaining to this topic below:
Spiritual Oppression-The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy-Part 1
Spiritual Oppression-The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy-Part 2
Spiritual Oppression-The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy-Part 3
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 1
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 2
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 3
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 4
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 5
The Importance of Forgiveness!
What does it mean to walk by Faith and not by Sight?
7 Steps to Fighting Spiritual Oppression-Real Talk!
Why Is the Cross of Christ so Significant?
Also, get your week started right! Check out my Positive Weekly Message Series down below:
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! October 17, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! October 10, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! September 24, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! September 19, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! September 12, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! September 6, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! August 28, 2022
Positive Thinking-Get Your Week Started Off Right! August 22.2022