January 4, 2023
The Spiritual Laws of God-having an understanding

What are the spiritual laws of God?
The Spiritual laws are the rules and regulations made by God that everyone must abide by including the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. These laws and guidelines are not just pertaining to the Ten Commandments as most people may think. There are many principles scattered throughout the Word of God that can lead to either blessings or curses.
The perfect verse of Scripture that highlights the fact the there is a spiritual law is Romans 7:14 the Apostle Paul writes, “For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin.” Here we can see that Paul is making a distinction of the law that he is referring to being spiritual and not physical laws or material laws.
Think of the rules as consequences that the Lord is establishing up front beforehand so that we can have a clear understanding of what to do and what not to do as children of God. They are the rules of life that will determine your outcome based on how well you adhere to God’s law and protocols.
A lot of times what happens is Christians will read a verse of Scripture but fail to put it into context. They completely miss the stipulations attached to what God’s Word is saying. For instance: Deuteronomy 28:13 states, “And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.”
This is a very familiar and powerful Bible verse, however, you will often hear people say “…the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath…” but they leave out the rest. The last part of this Scripture is the most important part because that is where you get the specification from. It states, “…if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.”
The Lord is a man that He should never lie (Numbers 23:19), so He will honor what His Word says He will do if we follow the Scriptures correctly. The only way that we will have the ability to be the head and not the tail is if we make sure that we are taking heed to His commandments and are careful to remain mindful of them. In other words they should never be underestimated or disregarded because they are extremely important in order for you to live a victorious life.
Look for conjunction words in the Scriptures. Words like: if, and, but, since, because, however, and therefore. These are so important because they are key indicators to let us know that there is something attached to that particular Bible verse that we need to pay really close attention to.
I am going to go over some of the basic details pertaining to understanding how God’s Spiritual laws actually work in our lives.

Psalm 94:20
“Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, Have fellowship with You?”
We often assume that God just wants to be strict or He just doesn’t want you to have fun. That is so far from the truth! His rules and regulations are put into place for our protection. As we can see in this Psalm, the Lord is making it very clear to us how the devil and his kingdom gain legal authority to create chaos in our lives. They have to get us to make the wrong choices and go against the law of God and will do anything they can to ensure that we do so.
The Lord gave every single one of us free will. What that means is that we have the choice to live a life serving Him or to live our lives however we want to disregarding what His rules and stipulations say. By doing that, we are serving the enemy by default. The Word of God is extremely clear in Matthew 12:30 “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.”
In other words if you are not following the Lord and His Word, you are against Him; there is no in between. There are only two kingdoms that you can serve. A lot of people are unknowingly giving the devil and his demons legal access to wreak havoc in their lives simply because they do not know how the spiritual realm operates. There are spiritual principles that govern everything. Just like how natural laws have a justice system, the Lord has His own legal system that every human being, the devil, and even God Himself must abide by.
View it as standing before a judge in a courtroom. The Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God is our advocate (1 John 2:1) and the devil is the accuser (Revelation 12:10). The Lord is supporting us, vouching for us, and speaking on our behalf and the devil is accusing us, blaming us, and condemning us. If we’ve broken one of God’s laws and are found guilty of it, that is when the devil has the legal right to come into our lives and create destruction.
When we fail to adhere to the Lord’s rules and regulations outlined in God’s law that is how the enemy finds kinks in our armor. It is difficult to stand and have the power to come against the schemes of the devil if he has a legal right to establish strongholds in our lives.
Understanding the full armor of God outlined in the book of Ephesians by the Apostle Paul will give you an advantage. We need to know what each protective piece is used for and why. I have an article called: The Armor of God that will break down the pieces of this armor.

Romans 6:23
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The Apostle Paul is writing this epistle to the Church at Rome explaining to them how detrimental sin is. No matter how you look at it, all types of sin will eventually lead to spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental death. The number one reason why sin is such a problem to the life of a believer of Jesus Christ is because of the spiritual separation that it creates between you and our Heavenly Father.
Another dilemma that sin creates is it opens the door to the devil and his demonic spiritual forces to come into your life and destroy it. It doesn’t matter what kind of sin it is, all sin is damaging in one way or another. A lot of people underestimate one of the main iniquities that give the enemy a legal entryway, and that is the sin found in one’s heart.
I go into more depth on this topic in my articles: Spiritual Oppression-The dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy Part 1, Spiritual Oppression-The dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy Part 2, Spiritual Oppression-The dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy Part 3
Diving deeper into the Bible verse I am highlighting Romans 6:23, we can see that the Lord is showing us that there is a stipulation to the choices that we make. In the first part of the passage we can conclude that sin will lead us to a literal death sentence. However on the last part of the verse we can determine that God has given us a gift of eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ.
The requirement is that we must turn away and repent of our sins and believe that Jesus died for every one of our iniquities past, present, and future, Romans 10:9-10. This is another verse of Scripture in the Word of God that gives us a conjunction attaching the cause and effect.
The fact of the matter is, there is always going to be an outcome for the choices that we make in our own life and we decide whether we receive a blessing or a curse. It will all boil down to if we are following the spiritual laws of God or not. Make no mistake about it, the devil and his demons know the law better that most Christians do. They are just waiting for you to break it in some way or another so that they can gain access to your life.
One way to describe sin is: less sin-less demonic oppression, more sin-more demonic oppression. Your habitual transgression is a feeding and breeding ground for demons that have a purpose to kill, steal, and destroy your life, John 10:10. A key to having freedom is to gain the understanding that the spiritual realm and the natural realm work hand and hand, it will help us make better decisions.
As Christians we are promised an eternal life with the Lord after we pass away. It is a gift that was afforded to us because of Jesus sacrificing His life for us on the cross at Calvary. That is one of the things that the Apostle Paul is highlighting for the Roman Church in this verse of Scripture (Romans 6:23).

Romans 8:2
“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”
Here we can see the Apostle Paul addressing the Church at Rome letting them know that the law of the Spirit (Holy Spirit) through Christ Jesus is what made them free from the law of sin and death. The Roman Church was one of the most legalistic churches that existed at that time and the Apostle Paul wanted them to understand that following physical laws was not going to break them free from spiritual things.
We have to gain the understanding that life is completely spiritual, the kind of person that you are, what you do and what you say has a direct impact on how the spiritual realm reacts. God’s love for us has afforded us to have the free gift of the Holy Spirit and He guides us into all truth, John 16:13. He will be the one that will keep you on track and make sure that you are heading in the right direction.
Another way to look at this verse of Scripture in the book of Romans is to recognize that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is life and freedom, 2 Corinthians 3:17. In other words, God’s Spirit has the power to set you free from bondage, addiction, and from every kind of demonic oppression that you can think of.
There is no way that you can get set free from the hand of the enemy within your own efforts or spiritual ability. It’s simply just not possible. There is a stipulation to your freedom and deliverance; you must be following the spiritual rules, and principles that the Lord has given you.
For instance: you cannot expect to be set free from the spirit of lust but you keep your mind saturated with sexual thoughts and behaviors because of what you are watching and doing. The Word of God goes into deep detail in Matthew 5:27-28 when Matthew writes, “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery. ‘But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Looking at a person that is not your spouse in a sexual way can cause the spirit of lust that is working in your life to intensify. Even though you may feel like it is not affecting you, the images that you are watching will hold a place in your subconscious mind and that is how strongholds are developed.
In the passage that I am highlighting Romans 8:2, Paul describes the “law” of sin and death. The Lord is making it clear to us that sin is directly linked to death in one way or another. The devil doesn’t want you to fulfill the purpose that God has for your life so he will hinder your walk with Christ in any way that he can. The main way that he succeeds in deterring the lives of believers is by them engaging in deliberate sin.
The bottom line is that the Lord cannot coexist with sin and that is why it is so detrimental to your life. He has put spiritual laws in place that we must abide by in order for us to live an abundant life. His Word is the absolute truth and He will put it above even His own Name, Psalm 138:2. He will not change it for anyone or anything including Himself. Both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness have to follow the Lord’s spiritual principles that govern the spiritual realm.
The Spiritual laws of God are so important and I had to learn this the hard way. In order for me to gain freedom from the demonic oppression that was consuming me, I had to learn how the Spiritual realm operated. What was I doing in my life that was giving these demons the legal right to wreak havoc and almost destroy it?
I began to dissect the Word of God and with the help of the Holy Spirit guiding, leading, and teaching me; I was able to see everything as it was…spiritual. I knew that the world that we live in was not just a physical world, but there is a realm that exists that one cannot see with the naked eye.
We have to begin to comprehend the spiritual laws of God if we want to get set free and remain free from the devil and his demonic kingdom. The good news is, you can make a positive change and overcome oppression in your life but it is going to take hard work on your end.
You have to be willing to completely renew your mind by digesting the Word of God as often as you can. That is what will cleanse and wash that filthiness off of you, Ephesians 5:26. Never get discouraged, the Lord can set anyone free. If He did it for me, He can do it for you too!
I am linking other blogs pertaining to this topic below:
Spiritual Oppression-The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy-Part 1
Spiritual Oppression-The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy-Part 2
Spiritual Oppression-The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy-Part 3
Spiritual Oppression-The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy-Part 4
Spiritual Oppression-The Dangers of Open Doors to the Enemy-Part 5
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 1
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 2
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 3
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 4
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Facing Life’s Battles-Part 5
The Importance of Forgiveness!
What does it mean to walk by Faith and not by Sight?
7 Steps to Fighting Spiritual Oppression-Real Talk!
Why Is the Cross of Christ so Significant?
Also, get your week started right! Check out my Positive Quote for the Week Series down below:
Positive Quote for the Week: Silent Love